189birds Author's page | World Anvil

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Jay | Member Since 17 Feb, 2018
0 Followers 20411 Page views 19 Likes

Hey! I'm Jay- an aspiring paleontologist, a Game Master, and a learning aficionado. I live in NYC where I study environmental science and anthropology and can be found working as a museum science intern. I love birds and dinosaurs, and I'm a big Pokemon lover. I'm genderqueer and use they/them pronouns and sometimes help out in efforts for queer activism where I live and beyond. If you want to talk, hit me up here or add me on discord @189birds#3062. Safe sailing!

Interests & Hobbies

Tabletop Games, Video Games, Bird Watching, Drawing

Favorite Writers

Michael Crichton, N. K. Jemisin

Favorite Games

Overwatch, Borderlands 2, Fallout Series, Pokemon Series