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Teutonic Ted

Nash Peterson | Member Since 9 Aug, 2020
0 Followers 19415 Page views 6 Likes


  In the summer of 2017, sweating profusely under another hot summer sun loading dead shrubs and twigs into a pickup. I found my vision.

At first it was a small seed, only a list of 6 simple characters. Meer extensions of the person I was once or the friends I once knew. I didn't know what I was doing or where this would go, I made more mistakes than successes, I was criminally under-qualified for the task ahead, and time was not on my side.

But I had my vision and was tired of landscaping. So I push on all the same.

Several years later and after pouring out more sweat than on that fateful summer day in 2017. That seed has germinated into a universe of characters and story threads I feel need to be shared to an audience starved for content with sincerity, excitement, and deeper meaning.

My name is Nash Peterson and my vision is to become a TV writer for my TV show:

The Heretics (of Houndsmoth)

The story is about Silas Yamane: a rebellious teen whose sent to a haunted boarding school in the Scottish Highlands known as "The Houndsmoth School for Empowered Learning" run by his omniscient headmaster: Mr. Houndsmoth and his eleven professors.

Throughout the series, Silas encounters trials and tribulations that force him to look in his reflection and pick away at the identity created by society and his own "ID."

By overcoming these two forces, a student at Houndsmoth will become a Heretic: more than hero or a villain, completely unbound from society and their "ID." Able to clearly oversee the will of Mr. Houndsmoth in his new world order.

Silas' arc is only the beginning. Taking the story that began at Houndsmoth and moving it into an IP full of potential.

For my show/universe bible, check out Mr. Houndsmoth's Superior Earth in my profile.

If want to learn more about this universe and/or want to be a part of its creation, please contact me at [email protected]

P.S. - For those artistically inclined, I'm also in serious need of concept art. Contact me at the above email address so we can discuss details further.