Lasselian Sound Ballistae Item in A Shattered Empire - Vardania | World Anvil
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Lasselian Sound Ballistae

To me that is the most ominous thing about them. That they will turn even the most mundane thing into something to kill you with.
— Kenrik Marden on Vardanians
The Vardanian Way of War can be described in two words: Legionaries and Artillery. One to hold, counter and withstand any enemy attack and the other to annihilate formations and fortifications no matter how strong. Especially for the later, Vardanian engineers have found a multitude of different ways.

The Power of Sound

It is easy to imagine why one would try to utilize sound as a weapon. Certain tones and frequencies can create visceral reactions that can make even the most steadfast of men shrink back. Vardania and Rhomeia, always at the forefront of turning even seemingly harmless things into lethal weapons, have spent the better part of four centuries trying to perfect this new type of warfare.   A Sound Ballistae is the, rather mundane looking, pinnacle of this development. Once activated, it will detonate a small Kinite Bomb within a steel box made soundproof. The only way out is through a large funnel attached to the front of the box. Within that funnel sits a series of membranes arranged in an intricate pattern that enhances the sound wave as it passes through.   The result is a thunderous roar that consumes every other sound in the vicinity. No war cry or trumpet can penetrate it and any human unfortunate enough to be within 200 meters of the weapon's target direction will find themselves stunned. Those closer than 50 meters even run the risk of temporary deafness, some will even black out.

A New Type of War

Originally developed by the Ordo Lasselia, hence the name, at the turn of the 4th millennium, the weapon has found widespread use by the Hegemony's military and civilian authorities:  
Against Armies

On the battlefield, Sound Ballistae are usually employed to break enemy formations at close range. They follow a basic principle of Vardanian warfare: shock and awe. The initial thunder of a Sound Ballistae, especially in a massed volley, is often enough to break inexperienced soldiers. Repeated use can wear down even battle-hardened veterans. Wherever it is stopping the charge of enemy soldiers or softening up defensive positions, the Lasselian, as it is also known, has proven its devastating effect time and time again. The standard complement of an Imperial Army is about 40 pieces per 10.000 soldiers.
Against Civilians

A weapon capable of disrupting large groups of people quickly garnered interest from the Hegemony's civilian authorities. The densely populated metropolises that form the core of the Hegemony can easily become hotbeds of public unrest and revolution. Breaking crowds that can rapidly swell to include tens of thousands apart is no easy task. The Lasselian has proven quite adept here as well, the fact that it can be deployed quickly and without much effort makes it valuable in the tight city streets. A variant which creates a lasting, ear biting sound has also been developed.
While the Lasselian is not the only type of sound weapon developed and deployed by the Hegemony, it is by far the most commonly seen. The Sound Ballistae is without a doubt a core part of the Imperial Army's arsenal.
You hear this crack and then nothing else. It's as if your ears are cut off your head.
— Soldiers describing a Lasselian Shot
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Creation Date
Prototype: 2895 DA
MPM: 2972 DA
NMU: 3032 DA
Base Price
2,500 AA
Ordo Lasselia  
One of the more famous Ordi of the modern age, the Ordo Lasselia is a conglomerate of engineers and businessmen that design, build and sell siege weapons. Anyone with enough capital will be accepted as a customer, no matter their current stance toward the Hegemony.   This has led to an increasing rift between the two organisations, culminating in the expulsion of the Ordo from Hegemony territory in 3156 DA, including mass confiscation of property and incarceration of many high-ranking members. A crippling blow that the Ordo has only slowly recovered from.
  Ballistae Everywhere  
The name Ballistae will quickly evoke the image of a large crossbow in the minds of many. However, three quarters of weapons designated as such by the Imperial Army barely resemble this form. Reason being that the term "ballistae" has morphed to denote siege weapons not built in the image of a catapult, trebuchet or flamethrower. The original namesake is now referred to as a Ballista.

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Cover image: by Sören Meding


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Dec 14, 2021 12:36 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Very interesting weapon, especially the fact that it stun people and doesn't do as much damage as I would have expected from something like that (I'd have though everyone would have had their eardrums completely destroyed by now!). Makes sense that they would use it against their own population.

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Dec 14, 2021 21:41

Oh there are other weapons specifically designed to kill. It is just easier to hit a larger group/area with the intent to stun or demoralize. Hence the Lasselian being much more common than other variants. Believe me there are a lot of toys in the Vardanian arsenal made for killing. Thank you very much for your comment.

Apr 14, 2022 21:14 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Oooh a clever way to create a low-tech sound weapon. I'm quite curious now, did you research a bunch of sound weaponry to write this or was this just off the top of your head? Either way? Rad.