WorldEmber 2023 Homework in Athanya | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

WorldEmber 2023 Homework

  --   Week 1: Pledge   I've chosen to write about the people and historical figures of this universe. Not only does this include the characters I plan to create more detailed stories about, it could also potentially encompass the races I plan on adding to the universe. I've chosen this topic because my characters are often extremely personal to me and that makes them easy to write about. I've been experiencing major health issues lately, so I'd like for my first WorldEmber to be on the simpler side.   --   Week 2: Mini-Meta
  1. Scope: the Higher, Middle, and Lower Realms (these planes are where you can find ordinary people, not just gods or creatures.)
  2. Themes, mood, goals, and inspiration: my themes are “overcoming difficult emotions like anxiety and grief,” “discovery,” and “appreciation for different cultures.” My mood is "intense and visceral, yet hopeful." My goals are to be productive while having fun. My inspiration is the creativity of my father and my AA sponsor, as well as the excitement of seeing others expressing themselves through worldbuilding.
  --     Week 3: Homepage   I edited Athanya's homepage a bit so that it's less cluttered, hopefully making it easier for newcomers to understand. I don't care too much about exposure for my work at the moment, but if people happen to stumble across it, I'd love for it to be easy for them to understand and navigate. I plan on recruiting a few friends and family to take a look at the homepage for me over the next few days and will continue to edit it if they have any suggestions.   --   Week 4: Last-Minute Prep   In order to (hopefully) increase my productivity, I've spent the last few days tidying up my writing space and making prompt lists for if I get stuck. (I've not gone into much detail with the prompts, of course, they're just jumping-off points to inspire me if my well of ideas runs dry at any point.) I'm a firm believer in keeping your workspaces clean because I think your mental state reflects your surroundings, so I'm glad I had a reason to stop procrastinating and get to tidying. Hopefully I'm ready for the event at this point. I'm looking forward to trying it out for the first time!


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Nov 19, 2023 22:23 by Elspeth

Wow! Excellent themes and inspirations! I hope you have a lot of fun building out your world and an excellent WorldEmber! :)

Nov 20, 2023 08:03 by DB

Aww thank you!! I hope the same is true for you! :)

Currently obsessed with Athanya.