Tale of the Shadow Plot in Da Worl | World Anvil
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Tale of the Shadow

This mini adventure will be set in an section of open sea consisting of 12 islands called the Veld-Tide Isles.   Initally taking place on the island of StokHelm where they will explore the island finding out about the local legend of a ship called the shadow. The shadow is a supposed ghost ship that protects an unexplored 13th island,know as the heart of the isles, where a great pirate crew hid their treasure. Wanting to explore this myth the party will need a boat, they will have several options on getting a boat from Stokhelm.

  After aquiring a boat the party will sail out to the suspected location of the Shadow where heavy storms seem to appear and clouds block out the sun. A skill check challenge occurs where on the 3rd round the party starts to see an island, then A ghost ship emerges from the sea with a whirlpool forming underneath the ship. the whirlpool will suck the players ship into the sea causing the players to blackout as they are dragged into the sea.   The player will then wake up on a beach seeming wahed ashore after the storm.   Scene 1: Waking Up on the Shore The party wakes up on a beach, disoriented but unharmed. As they regain their bearings, they notice the wreckage of their ship scattered along the shore. The island seems eerily quiet, with dense jungle further inland.   Perception Check: Players can spot the remains of old ships and bones scattered among the wreckage, hinting that they are not the first to end up here. Survival Check: Allows them to gather some useful supplies from the wreckage (food, water, basic weapons). Scene 2: Exploring the Jungle The players venture into the jungle, seeking clues or shelter.   Scene 3: Encounter with the Island's Guardian In the ruins scattered about the island, the players encounter an ancient spirit or guardian who knows the legend of the Shadow but needs the party to find his journal scattered around the island.       Dialogue/Investigation: The spirit shares the history of the Shadow: Long ago, a fearsome pirate crew, led by Captain Blackheart, was searching for the fabled 13th island which had rumors of hiding the secret to immortal life. A powerful Marid(wtaer genie) forced to be the island's guardian tricked the pirates into taking his place, gaining immortality at the cost of defending the island forever turning them into ghostly protectors of the treasure. The ship, the Shadow, is bound to guard the island for eternity

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