The Search for Toph, Part 2 Report in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

The Search for Toph, Part 2

General Summary

25 Marpenoth, The Year of the Duplicitous Courtier (1496 DR)   The Sea of Swords  
"Fog ahead, Captain!" a crewman yelled.   The Uncivil Serpent had been sailing for twelve days since leaving Baldur's Gate. Jade, Khabhoom, and Mordecai were beginning to doubt if Captain Thunderbell knew the Sea of Swords as she claimed. Captain Thunderbell had warned them that Cerberus, a monstrous three-headed guardian, guarded the gate to the Underworld.   The captain told the others that the gate to the Underworld stood on an island deep within the fog. It was not marked on any known map, although she had traversed the fog twice before.   The members of Wink's Warriors and the Hellriders stood in amazement at what they saw.   Gigantic and imposing, this gate was larger than any castle entrance. It shone with crimson energy, its surface etched with ancient runes that whisper of old, forgotten pacts.   This was the Gate to the Underworld, the threshold to the realm of the dead, where souls pass into the dominion of Hades.   Lying across the entrance in a peaceful slumber was Cerberus, a monstrous guardian, its three fearsome heads, each bearing a mane of writhing snakes covering eyes closed in rest. It breathed deeply; each exhale sounded like the rumble of distant thunder. Chains of ethereal light bound the creature to the gate and onto the island, their glow pulsing softly with each breath Cerberus took.   Despite its sleep, the air around Cerberus crackled with unseen energy, a warning to all who dared approach.     Captain Thunderbell ordered two skiffs into the water to transport Wink's Warriors and the Hellriders. Meanwhile, Jade asked the Captain if she could remain within sight of the island to allow them time to find Toph and return. She said she had enough provisions for two weeks and could wait that long.   Once on the island, Jade and the others convinced the Hellriders not to sacrifice themselves needlessly. The three were planning on sneaking past the sleeping guardian. The Hellriders, sworn to protect the three Lords and Lady Protectors, reluctantly obeyed their orders.   Khabhoom cast Invisibility on everyone. Then he cast Fly on Mordecai, who took to the air carrying the gnome with him towards the gate behind the sleeping Cerberus. Jade also took to flight with the aid of her enchanted Winged Boots.   They flew high above Cerberus to avoid waking him. But when they arrived at the gate, they couldn't enter it. An invisible force had stopped them from flying through.   Suddenly, they heard the Hellriders yell behind them. "Cerberus has awakened!"   The Hellriders, with their heavy crossbows armed and readied, fired in unison, each bolt finding its mark on Cerberus's hide, but to no avail; the mundane projectiles merely bounced off the beast's thick, infernal scales, leaving no visible damage.   Before anyone could react, Cerberus, the monstrous guardian of the underworld, reared up with all three heads roaring in unison, each preparing to unleash a devastating breath attack upon the seven Hellriders.   In a synchronized assault, one head spewed forth a torrent of searing fire, engulfing three Hellriders in a blazing inferno. Simultaneously, the second head exhaled a blast of frigid ice, freezing two more knights in their tracks, their armor encased in a thick layer of frost. The third head followed with a cloud of noxious poison, enveloping the last two Hellriders in a deadly miasma that corroded their armor and sapped their strength. The combined elements of fire, ice, and poison created a chaotic and deadly storm, leaving the sworn protectors of Elturel struggling against the overwhelming power of the infernal beast.   Of the seven Hellriders, only three had survived the guardian of the Underworld's deadly onslaught. Captain Calmwind, although mortally wounded, stood among them.   Risking becoming visible, Khabhoom, the Artificer, hurled a meticulously crafted fireball spell toward Cerberus, the flames roaring as they engulfed the infernal beast. However, the fire had no effect on Cerberus, whose three heads sneered mockingly as the flames dissipated harmlessly against its hellish form. Undeterred, Khabhoom quickly recalibrated his strategy, realizing that more potent or unconventional methods would be needed to harm the beast.   Next, Mordecai, the Paladin, grasped his scimitar firmly and invoked a sacred incantation, becoming visible. He cast Magic Weapon to imbue his blade with divine energy. The scimitar began to glow with a radiant light, its edge shimmering with newfound power capable of piercing even the infernal hide of Cerberus. With a determined cry, Mordecai charged forward, his enchanted weapon cleaving through the air to strike at the monstrous guardian with righteous fury.   Finally, Jade, the agile tabaxi Monk, launched herself at Cerberus with a flurry of rapid, precise strikes, her silvered claws glinting menacingly. Each blow landed with pinpoint accuracy, the monk's skills allowing her to tear through Cerberu's infernal hide and causing the beast to roar in pain. Her relentless flurry of blows severely injured Cerberus, leaving it reeling from her attack's unexpected ferocity and effectiveness.   During the battle, Jade, Khabhoom, and Mordecai watched as the last three surviving Hellriders bravely continued their assault on Cerberus, their non-enchanted weapons failing to penetrate the beast's infernal hide.   Despite the futility of their attacks, the Hellriders fought valiantly, determined to stand their ground against the monstrous guardian and perform their sacred oath of protecting the leaders of Elturel.   Even if it would cost them their lives.
Report Date
10 May 2024


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