Eternal of Lust Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Eternal of Lust

Warning: This article, while not quite NSFW does contain themes, and notions that may be considered offensive to certian minorities.

The fourth eldest among her six brothers. She, like all her brothers wished to wipe her world clean of the mortal infestation. She weaponized her own aspect of the original creation, and used it to turn the mortals against each other.

Divine Domains



Any weapon, or trinket forged from Doom Steel is considered an artifact of the Eternals.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The seven-pointed star of the Eternals represents the sin of the Eternals undevided.

Tenets of Faith

Like all Eternals, one must swear to wipe clean the face of Eternity to gain the favor of these seven dark beings. Her own tenets are to always give in to your lustful desires, and to cut down anything that stands in your way.

Physical Description

Body Features

Her slim, curvaceous frame is complimented by slim fitting black armor that contrasts against her emerald green skin.

Identifying Characteristics

Among all seven Eternals, hers is the only face which does not appear to take a skeletal form.

Special abilities

She wields vast magic power. Once this power was used only to create, now is used only to destroy. She will often grant a sliver of her power to her closest disciples. Green flames, and black, bladed chains make up the majority of the forms that the magic of the Eternals will take.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From the moment she awoke, she was the most elegant, and beautiful of all her siblings. She watched as the remaining three were created, and was eager to begin work on her first world. She watched as Deos, and her three older brothers played their part in creating this first world. She let her immediate younger brother do his part before she did hers, as she did not yet know what part she had to play. After she saw her younger brother's creation, it donned on her what she could do. She gave the animals their methods of reproducing, allowing them to permeate the land.   Like the rest of her siblings, once the Old World was complete, she left the world so it may flourish on its own. When she returned, she saw the mortals that infested her world. She viewed her world as perfect before hand, and to see these lesser things running amuck only caused anger. Like her siblings, she was imbued with a desire to fix problems. This was her new problem. She noticed that Deos gave them similar systems that she had made for the animals, and gave them a desire to share it with the one closest to them of the opposite sex. She could use this.   She gave both sexes a twisted, perverted view of this gift, and amplified their desire to use it. She perverted the gift so that some wanted to share it with those of the same sex, or both sexes. The dark desire she gave to the mortals caused them to turn against each other. Either by preventing others from committing these vulgar acts so they could do so instead, or by forcing themselves upon another, much pain and sorrow was caused by these perversions.   This sin was named lust, and this is the name she took for herself. The sin she had committed, and the sin she gave to the mortals warped her own perfect elegance into a much darker sort of beauty. A sort of beauty that is in fact quite ugly, but pretends to be beautiful. A sort of beauty that links itself to the sin she had created. Once Deos found that it was her and her siblings that gave sin to the lesser mortals, she along with her siblings were banished into the next realm. Her eldest brother, now named Pride told her and the other five brothers how they would make a new world free of the mortal filth.   Once again, the seven siblings built a world to call their own. Once again, they left it so it may flourish on its own. Once again, when they returned they saw the same mortals from the Old World as these mortals called it. She waited for three of her six brothers to make their attempts at cleansing the new world, (which the mortals had named Eternity) before she made hers. She decided to start small, with the halflings. She would corrupt one of the many halfling leaders, using lust as a motive for that leader to wage war on the others, causing inner turmoil.   She succeeded in this, but was unable to completely wipe out the halflings. For the rest of her time hovering over Eternity, she simply led a sect of her brood, the Children of the Eternals. During her time in this state, she had intimate relations with her elder brother, who called himself Wrath, and brought forth a dark spawn. A dark thing that was born in sin, and was made of sin. A thing that held more power than all seven Eternals combined. She was quick to discard the thing, casting it out into the void beyond the world of Eternity. She feared it would one day return.   Eventually, Pride would convince her, and her other brothers to destroy this world, and start again. Before she and her siblings could do so, the draconin sorcerer that had bested Wrath's chosen had come to face the Eternals directly. This draconin called himself Sprizen Akkamara, and was nearly as powerful as Lust's dark spawn. Still, the sorcerer was strong enough to defeat the Eternals, and cast them into a pocket realm, in which their power simply doesn't exist. They cannot even harm each other. Between all of them, the greatest hate is between Lust, and Wrath.

Gender Identity

She knows the form she has taken, and refuses to change it.


Sexual interaction is in her very nature. It is the sin she cultivated in the hearts of all mortals. Her perverted obsession has caused much pain, much sorrow.


She knows all there is to know about the world she has crafted, and the logic that guides it.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She played a major role in the creation of two worlds, and caused devastating conflict in the Halfling North.

Personality Characteristics


She, like her six brothers wanted to see a world cleansed of the mortal filth.



Her voice is smooth, and enticing, yet wise. She often speaks slow, and gently, and rarely louder than a whisper. Still, even from across a plain, one can hear her as if her lips are right against your ear.
Current Status
Slowly falling into madness in a pocket realm with her siblings.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Members of the Children of the Eternals have affectionately nicknamed her "Lady Lust"
Year of Birth
67000 B.A. 68005 Years old
Dark red, flaming
long, midnight black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
green, flaming
Varies based on her desired height.
Character Prototype
Debra Wilson


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May 14, 2024 04:21

I dont think it needs to be tagged as nsfw but a trigger warning might be good.   For both the bi and gay parts and the rape.

May 14, 2024 16:17

Gotcha, thanks.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
May 14, 2024 20:26

How's this?

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
May 15, 2024 13:36

yea that works. you cant be mad if you were told reading something would make you mad.

May 15, 2024 15:52

This is true.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
May 14, 2024 14:09 by Harlen Ogni

I don't think it needs to be tagged is very well written imho

May 14, 2024 20:27


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16