The Risha Geographic Location in Niorath | World Anvil

The Risha

Were it not for the difficulty and cost of reaching the Risha river I would have send more expeditions there. Who knows what wonders remain hidden in the still unexplored parts of the jungle.
— High Sage Syronikir
  One of the most famous and defining landmarks of the greater Mizarin region is the Risha River. Its many tributaries flow from the eastern mountains that form the border with Raitinshin. Due to all these tributaries the river dominates a gigantic area of the Mizarin region.   The dense jungle around it is filled with all forms of life and many areas near the river are yet to be explored by people not native to the jungle. Close to the river one can find many different clans of various Beastfolk. Some of them are better known thanks to trade but there are still many who remain a mystery to outsiders. Near the mouth of the Risha river there are various settlements all controlled by Nekorians, who are also the largest population in the larger Mizarin region.   Colonization attempts by other nations have thus far not been made. This could of course change if more important resources, such as Falls would be found in the region. An additional problem is the fact that outsiders are not very resistant against diseases from the region.  

by Kefkejaco with Inkarnate

Extra Information

The Risha river is located in Oneraga in the eastern part of the Mizarin Jungle
The region is filled with life thanks to the dense jungle surrounding the Risha river
Controlled by
The area around the Risha river is controlled by many Beastfolk clans.
Exotic fruits, limited amounts of iron and gold
Important Landmarks
Risha Delta, Haraki Lake, Chimana


  The entire area around the Risha River is filled with a dense tropical rainsforest. Therefore at first sight one would not think that there are many differences in the region. This is however wrong since some important landmarks and biomes can be observed even without travelling far from the river.  


Risha River
Risha River

Risha Delta

  The mouth of the Risha river contains many small islands making it impossible for larger ships to travel farther. For this reason one can find many Nekorians settlements along the edges. Any ships that arrive from the Endamishi sea, the inner sea of the Mizarin region, dock and sell their goods here. From here the Nekorians send goods further along the Risha rivers using mostly Giant Turtles.   Just like the main Isles where the Nekorians live one can find a large amount of Mizarin Nightlights in the region. A curious sight for those who would visit is the large number of Nightlights on the islets of the delta. Some of these trees are connected by roots creating what is essentialy a continuous tree bridge from one riverbank of the delta to the other. This bridge also forms the main road between all Nekorians settlements in the river delta.   The largest Nekorian settlement, Yumara, in the region is located near the start of the delta. It is one of the busiest areas and when the Risha river is filled with Giant Turtles near the settlement.

Haraki Lake

  This lake lies close to the Bandi Mountains to the east. It is the largest lake that is part of the Risha river. It is pretty far along the river so not many outsiders have ventured this far. Nonetheless it is still rather known do to the large settlement Vandaroch.   Vandaroch itself is the main home of the Kaerian Beastfolk, also known as Frogfolk. As amphibian creatures themselves they love the area around the lake and some of their buildings can actually be found within the lake itself. In contrast to their non Beastfolk counterparts they have a varied diet and therefore maintain several farms for underwater plants.   One of the main celebrations of the Kaerians is the yearly journey of many fish to the lake. The fish lay their eggs after which the Kaerians proceed to capture them. Since it is a bit of a sport for them it is frowned upon to catch a fish in another way then by using their hands or tongue.  
Risha River
Risha River

Erano Hills

  These hills form an area that is known to be excavated for natural resources. The main exports are iron and gold. Gold itself is only used by a handfull of Beastfolk in the region but iron is highly coveted. Due to its importance the hills are perhaps the best protected area in the Risha river region.   Failing to do so can have disasterous effects. Something the previous owners, the Kitsunians or Foxfolk, had to find out the hard way. It is possible that the Kitsunians had taken the mines for themselves longer ago in the past but there are no records of this. Currently the Kitsunians are controlled by Arumians or Pangolinfolk. They have built a strong warrior society and quickly became one of the most feared Beastfolk in the region.   Many small triburaries of the Risha river originate from the Erano Hills. This makes the area a great place for settlements due to its abundance of fresh water.  


  Chimana is perhaps one of the biggest mysteries that can be found along the Risha River, at least as far as outsiders know. It is a gigantic building made out of a stonelike material although the exact origin is not really known. None of the materials or building methods that are used for the building are from anywhere near its location. To this day the identity of the original builders remains lost to time. If any of the local religions are to be believed the structure was built by the gods themselves.   The building itself has a pyramid form with terraces although it is far wider than other similar structures on the planet. It is divided into several levels through its terraces. Each level spans such a large surface area that Chimana itself is as large as a city. From the top of the buildings water flows down along several cascades. After going doing down a level the cascades fill the cannals of the level below. This in turn creates a large irrigation network across the entire surface of Chimana. At the edge of Chimana the water final flows into the Risha river. Where the water actually originates from remains unknown to this day.   Due to it ties to many religions in the area, Chimana has become somewhat of a temple city for the Beastfolk who live near the Risha River. At some point it was the capital a Beastfolk territory but now no single clan lays claim to it. It is now a safe haven for all types of Beastfolk regardless of their standing with the clans. Nonetheless Chimana is still controlled by a priesthood that rules perhaps more severely than some of the clans.  

Risha River


  The entire area around the Risha river consists of tropical rainforests. This does, however, not mean that there are no differences between the various areas. Some aspects do stay the same along the entire. The most important of them are of course the high temperatures and the wet environment. During some parts of the year the rainfall becomes extreme but is nonetheless vital for the ecosystem of the region.  
These giants are large enough to transport several people and a good amount of goods. Many attach some small wooden structures to the shells to make travel easier.  
Giant Turtles
Species | Feb 18, 2022

The river

  The Risha river itself has of course other creatures living near and in it than deeper into the jungle. Perhaps the most famous example of creatures that live in the area is the Giant Turtle. They are impossible to miss because they are used as the main form of transport on the river itself. Although boats are used, the Beastfolk in general still prefer the turtles.   Besides that there is a large variety of fish, frogs and insects that live in the river. Many types of large snakes and other reptiles, such as crocodiles, can be found near the Risha. If someone is unlucky they can encounter a spinosaurus which is a real menance for everyone near the river. This is, however, a rare occurence as the amount of living members of the species is fairly low.    

Lower Rainforest

  The rainforest near the end of the Risha is different from the one that is found higher up. In contrast to the reast of the rainforest, Mizarin Nightlights can be found here. Since these gigantic trees take up a large area of the canopy only smaller plants that don't need a lot of sunlight can be found at the bottom. The amount of Mizarin Nightlights differs per area. In areas with more of the Nightlights there are not a lot of large trees other than them.   The creatures living in the lower rainforest also differ from the rest of the forest. The main inhabitants near any Mizarin Nightlight are Nekorians since their religion is heavily tied to them. Other Beastfolk do live in the area but the Nekorians a large majority. Due to this there is also a larger amount of ORC's and dinosaurs living here. For some reason they never attack Nekorians and often follow their orders. In areas not controlled by Nekorians dinosaurs are often hunted as their are deemed to dangerous to roam free.  
Risha River

by Kefkejaco with artbreeder


Upper Rainforest

  The higher areas of the Risha river are comparable to other rainforests of the world. In this region there is a high biodiversity in both fauna and flora. There are three levels in the rainforest and each one is inhabited by their own set of animals and plants. The canopy for example is home to many more types of birds while the ground the territory of many predators.   Central to all this is of course still the Risha river. All creatures from deeper in the jungle come to drink form it or one of the smaller streams that flow into it. This means that someone always has to be on their guard near the rivers edge. Young Beastfolk or external explorers often find out about this the hard way when they are suddenly dragged underwater by a spinosaurus or giant crocodile.   Due to the dinosaurs being less frequent here other types of creatures have flourished. Most of them have weird defence and attack mechanisms not commonly found in other regions. They are either extremely visible or great at camouflage. Several types of bird actually emit light which becomes blindingly strong when a predator approaches. Other creatures have an almost supernatural ability for camouflage. The most known is a creature similar to a large jaguar that is able to change the pattern of its fur to match the background. How they do this is still a mystery.   Another common sight on the rainforest floor is the wide range of mushrooms who trive under the dead materials that frequently falls to the ground. Some of these are used for medical purposes by the Beastfolk living there. Trying to get them is not always safe if you don't know what you are doing. According to local myths some even strangle their victims.  


  Much of the history of the region is unknown to outsiders. Not all of the Beastfolk keep decent records making it quite difficult for historians to actually get a good picture. It is, however, known that the history of the area around the Risha River is one of frequent struggle between the various Beastfolk clans.

Ancient History

  The ancient history is perhaps the hardest part of history to determine for the region. Beastfolk are believed to have been living there for quite some time and there would likely have been struggles between them. The biggest mystery is perhaps the identity of the builders of Chimana. Some believe this could even have been a building from the Prime Asmer, although it is best not to voice this opinion while visiting.   What historians do know is that the Nekorians were building colonies at the Risha River quite early in history. Most of the historical information we currenlty have comes from their records. They were always seen as a bit of an example as they are believed to be the first to domesticate many types of creatures in the area.   Many of the oldest settlements are found further up the Risha River as it has always been the main connection between the people of the area. It is believed that only later on the Beastfolk settled deeper in the jungle.  

Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge

Later History

  Since the power of the various Beastfolk clans is ever changing and not all events are recorded it is difficult to create an accurate timeline. Historians have, however, identified which groups are believed to have been dominant at some point. The constant throughout the ages are the Nekorians who seem to have succesfully thwarted any invasion attempts.   The largest territory to have existed in the region is believed to have been that of the Toranians, the larger kind of Nekorians with a more tigerlike appearence. Their capital used to be in Chimana but eventuelly they were ousted by an alliance of other Beastfolk. In more current times there is no real dominant power but rather several strong clans. Among them are the warrior clans such as the Arumians and the Tokagians or Lizardfolk.  

Adventures Ideas

The price of Freedom
Lately there have been reports of river pirates near the Erano Hills. They mostly attack Arumian transportation of iron put the entire supply chain of the river at risk. The pirates themselves are believed to be Kitsunians that are trying to raise an army to overthrow the Arumians. The Arumians put a big price on their heads for mercenaries or do you want to join the uprising?  
ORCs out of nowhere
There has been a sudden appearence of ORCs near a village at one of the tributaries of the Risha. Nobody knows where they come from and they themselves say they just woke up from a place of metal and lights. The local population will be happy to find out more about it as they will not be able to support a sudden population growth.  

Cover image: by Kefkejaco with artbreeder


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May 4, 2022 12:59

What a beautiful article, both in the writing and the aesthetics department! And such great use of maps. I love maps! May I inquire what mapping software do you use?

Summer is almost upon us! Check out Freelands!
May 4, 2022 13:36

Thank you for the kind words! Glad you liked the maps. :) I made them with Inkarnate actually, an program that is used in browser. I do have the non free version though because I wanted to use more assets.

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 4, 2022 15:16

Nice article! Love the maps! (Really makes me want to get better with the map tools here on WA, but pretty sure I need to actually settle on my world maps first)   ----------------------------------------------------------------   Feel free to check out my Rivers/Waterways entry: Loch Mesner

May 6, 2022 12:12

Thank you! Yes the world map is a fun way to start from! By creating it I got so many new ideas including this are!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 4, 2022 19:05 by RandoScorpio

I'm going to start with my favourite thing: I love the domesticated giant turtles, I want one. The detail is cool too, I focused on a single area of my river, but I didn't mention anything about the Delta at the end of it. I like that you included that sort of detail, along with all the interesting lakes and detailed maps!! Very cool river.

May 6, 2022 12:13

Thanks! Yes the giant turtles were an idea I got for the unofficial domesticated animal challenge so I was glad I could mention them again here :) Glad that you liked it!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 4, 2022 20:25 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Giant (carnivorous?) turtles! Frogfolk! MUSHROOMS!   Really interesting article - I love the different sections on the ecosystems and the history of the river. The map is lovely as well. :)

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
May 6, 2022 12:10

Haha of course I should have known you would quickly see the mention of mushrooms :p Thank you for the kind words! I think I am at some point going to need to make articles for all creatures living in the area :p

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 7, 2022 16:46

I want to visit to see the giant turtles and sample some exotic fruits! Getting possibly eaten by a Spinosaurus...not so much. Very nice, complete article overall! Question though, you say there's no resources, but also describe there being gold in the Erano Hills? What's stopped other nations from attempting colonization? Do they not know about the gold, is there just not enough of it, or are the people there just that effective at defending the area?

May 7, 2022 18:45

thank you! that is indeed a good question and something I will need to adress more clearly in the article. There is some amount of resources in the hills but they are still in the middle of the jungle which is not easy to get to for any outsider. As it is only a small amount t the outsiders have not really bothered so far. But if they were to find an easier way to get there they would most likely try to take it over.   The main reason for any attempts of outsiders to invade is mainly they don't feel like it is worth it. All locations near the sea, that could be of value , are controlled by Nekorians and no one has ever been able to conquer them since the Mizarin Nightlight trees protect them, which is hard to counter.

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 8, 2022 06:38

You got a really interesting river article in here. My favourite bit were the frogfolk and the fact that it is frowned upon to catch fish with other things other than hands & tongues! The formatting was excellent and has given me some ideas on how to format my river challenge if that's ok with you.   I did find a few things in the article that, with a few changes, may improve the article & make it easier to read. I'm not sure if you are looking for that kind of feedback though. If you are let me know and I'll add it.

May 9, 2022 08:22

Thank you for the kind words! Well it couldn't hurt to get some insight :p

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 9, 2022 17:09

Oh, I just deleted it today as I hadn't gotten an answer (and I'm trying not to keep random notes around xD). I'll try to replicate my thoughts & suggestions. I hope these are helpful in some way or another.   1. "Resources - No known significant resources besides exotic fruits" conflicts with "Erano Hills" having gold & iron.   2. Unnecessary woulds in Risha delta make reading the text harder. Compare:   Original:

Any ships that would arrive from the Endamishi sea, the inner sea of the Mizarin region, would dock here and sell their goods. From here the Nekorians would send goods further along the Risha rivers using mostly Giant Turtles. Just like the main Isles where the Nekorians live one can find a large amount of Mizarin Nightlights in the region. A curious sight for those who would visit is the large number of Nightlights on the islets of the delta.
  No woulds:
Any ships arriving from the Endamishi sea, the inner sea of the Mizarin region, dock here and sell their goods. From here the Nekorians send the goods further along the Risha rivers using mostly Giant Turtles. Just like the main Isles where the Nekorians live one can find a large amount of Mizarin Nightlights in the region. A curious sight for those who visit is the large number of Nightlights on the islets of the delta.
  3. The Upper Rainforest region is very generic, compared to the overall worldbuilding happening in the rest of the article. It could be a Wikipedia excerpt from any rainforest really. What's more, the river is not even mentioned in the whole section. I think reframing that section as it pertains to the river would make it more interesting & relevant.

May 9, 2022 19:09

some good ideas will take them into account! thanks!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 9, 2022 21:55 by Time Bender

Wow, this is such a beautiful, fascinating, and diverse world! I can really imagine this world with all the pictures you've added as well. :D

May 20, 2022 13:16

Thank you for the kind words! ^^

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 10, 2022 01:58

A very nice article on the river system and contents. It is in places repetitive and could stand an editing down with perhaps a side glossary of things like Giant Turtle use and who the beastfolk tribes are or distinguishing features.

May 20, 2022 13:18

Thanks! They will get their own articles over time which I will most likely put at the bottom. For now I have tried to decrease repitition so thanks for the tip!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 10, 2022 11:21

A great article as always Kef. Your maps are great, pictures used fit in with the creatures and landscape. All in all I love it, a well deserved Like/Fave from me.   Aemon

May 20, 2022 13:18

Thanks Aemon! Really appreciate it!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 10, 2022 21:35 by Michael Chandra

We get to hunt dinosaurs?! O_O And ride giant turtles?! Awesome! Where do I sign up?

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
May 20, 2022 13:20

Thanks Mikaro! ^^ Yeah if you want to join ask your closest Nekorian to bring you there :p

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 12, 2022 00:46

Very nice, I love the giant turtles and Beastfolk in general. Your maps are beautiful, makes me want to put some in my article. But mine aren't as nice lol. I love the aesthetic of the whole page.

Check out my latest work: VinenceAefus GateOrder of the HawkDeath of a God, and Patch
May 20, 2022 13:22

Thank you! Yeah I like making maps so I put quite some time in them :p So know that if you make some it can easily take up your day xp

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 23, 2022 23:16 by (Um dos mestres da Oito em Ponto)

That's an amazing, well thought, well organized, very rich article! Gosh, it's the best I saw so far.   The diversity of maps (for each relevant section!), the lore (Ancient History got me curious), the Giant Turtles... amazing! And as a GM/DM myself, I do appreciate the adventures hooks! My mind is actually exploding with some ideas. Such a rich place, with its diverse inhabitants, surely has a lot of folklore.   As a sidenote, all this made me think of a fantastical, mithological Amazon Rainforest. Pretty good article!

May 27, 2022 10:24

Thank you so much for the kind words! ^^ Glad you like the small story ideas, there is lots of mystery so it would be very nice for a few sessions :)   And yes it the basic idea was making an amazon like area with a good amount of mythical things in it :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 27, 2022 21:23

This is a lovely article! I know it's already been said, but I really liked the maps, as well as the mushrooms and giant turtles. Also, for my own personal curiosity, I was wondering what the beastfolk were exactly. Are they all just different animal-based humanoids? I might've missed it, but I couldn't find an explanation or link.

May 27, 2022 22:53

Thanks! Yes there are all different animal based humanoids but they dont have their own article yet. So far I have only mentioned them in the general sapient species overview. :) Sapient Species

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 29, 2022 12:36

A mysterious, ancient building that serves as a religious site, and Giant Turtles!   You really have a great balance of giving a general impression of this part of the world, as well as amazing details that draw attention -- additionally I think I can still learn a lot from your styling.

May 29, 2022 23:43 by Stormbril

This is awesome! I love all the different forests and different fauna found along the river. I really enjoyed the way you broke all that information down into nice alternating chunks, too -- made it really easy to digest as I read! I'm in particular fascinated by the jaguar that can change its spots. The mysterious stone structure is amazing too, I want to know moooooooore.   Great article!

May 30, 2022 14:18 by Tara Fae Belle

Giant turtles! Beastfolk! Dinosaurs! Ruins of unknown nature! Awesome. And the layout is very nice too :)

My current passion is Shroom People. I still don't know much about them yet. But as I do, it will be updated here:
Shroom People
Species | Apr 26, 2024
~ Happy wording!
Jun 2, 2022 11:02 by E. Christopher Clark

I love your use of detail maps throughout. Each one really helps focus the reader's attention on the section of this vast river that's currently under discussion. Also: hellllooooo, Giant Turtle! I would very much like to meet one of these.

Now it's time for the awkward wave.
Jun 3, 2022 18:44

I loved your article Kefkejaco!!. The maps look really nice and i liked how you described the different regions through which the river flows. And about the creatures living near the river what can i say... as a fan of dinosaurs, the idea of Spinosaurus is just awesome!! . Also the "mystery" of who build those ruins near the Delta adds more depth to the history of that region ( and could be a good location for a treasure or ancient relic quest perhaps? since you were talking about ideas for adventures... hehe). Also it was after seeing your wonderful map that i decided to give a try to the premium version of Inkarnate ;)

Jun 3, 2022 19:30

So many details! This region has a lot of interesting aspects to it while staying really cohesive. Great work!

Jun 4, 2022 16:45

Very nice article. I liked the descriptions of the different areas of the river, and I felt like you had thought well why the river is hard to reach by other species not living there. I however would have liked to know more of the river itself. Now it felt like the focus of the article was on the areas surrounding the river. Still great job with the article!

Jun 6, 2022 01:53

This is amazing work man!!

Jun 6, 2022 18:09 by Chris Sullivan

Wonderful work, as with many others I am jealous of the use of your map and using several map points to point at each location individually. Will be considering that idea on my future works!

Creator, Community Manager, and most importantly a Father.
Jun 7, 2022 09:28

That is one big River-System. Great Worldbuilding with a wonderful use of the map-function! As always: It is a pleasure to read your articles!   But how do I get rid of the mind image of froglike people riding on giant turtles while using their toungs for spear-fishing... XD

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  • Jun 10, 2022 16:06

    I love the organization! It flows wonderfully and I like how you break down each section. The map highlights are helpful for each section as well. Great read!

    Jun 17, 2022 01:29 by Lilliana Casper

    Great work on this article! I love all the detail that was put into it. The mystery of Chimana stood out to me the most. I wonder who built it, and for what purpose? Historical mysteries like that always catch my interest.

    Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.