Third book update in Norfall | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Third book update

Greetings reader, I'm so thrilled to share that I've reached 50,000 words, which puts me roughly halfway, but, to be honest, this book may be around 150,000 words or more. (that's about 300 pages) So 50,000 technically doesn't make it halfway. But, hey, I'm still celebrating this milestone!

This particular writing excursion was grueling! I realized in many places where my worldbuilding was lacking, my characters were lacking, and my plot. I know, it sounds like a recipe for disaster. I did get discouraged at moments but I realized something; writing is like a puzzle. Each word, each plotline, each character, and the other numerous things you need for a story are like fine detailed pieces. You then have to figure out where they fit and if they don't, put them in a box for later because they may fit in another story puzzle. ;)

It's hard for me to watch October slip by and face November because last year I stated, with confidence, that I wanted my book to be ready for self-publishing by November! Crazy huh? As the months sped by and I'm no were NEAR my personal goal I had to toss that goal aside. I'm not putting down any specific date. My new goal though is to not take YEARS to write this book. I desire as an author to get my work out as quickly as possible (maybe not like Brandon Sanderson, he's a BEAST!) because I have many stories to share with you all, and personally it helps keep worldbuilders disease at bay and the crippling inner perfectionist!   Another update done! I'm taking a break this week from writing because my brain needed one but next week I'll be ready to tackle this story and I'm excited to see where it goes.


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