Rorqual Vehicle in Anvil | World Anvil


The Brigantine 'The Rorqual' stands as a notable example of maritime craftsmanship and history. Originally part of the fleet of the Duchy of Rhionna on the planet Lyra in the Helianna star system, this vessel was commandeered by the group known as the Nex. Captained last by Sande du Clausse, 'The Rorqual' has a recorded history spanning over 1200 cycles, marked by its various voyages and the adventures encountered.



According to the last captain's, Sande du Clausse logs, The Rorqual is a Brigantine stolen by the Nex from the Duchy of Rhionna in the planet of Lyra in the star system of Helianna in the Riftspace of Entelion. The ship seems to have been under the possession of captain du Clausse for about 1200 "cycles".

Captain's Tassidus Mercalion logs, the ship sailed for the first time in the year 1488 AI and it seems during the next 5 years have sailed over 6 times from Rhionna to the Lyrian Archipelago protecting colonist vessels making a very perilous crossing across teh skies over the Aegean sea. On the last Captain's log by Camptain Tassidus, it seems that the crew was investigating "a weird looking storm of colourful lights near the shores of Dragonfly Island".



Sail Plan

The ship has 2 masts (mainmast and foremast) with square rigging, a Spanker, a bowsprit with 3 jib sails, and a variety of triangular and supporting sails.


The main mast has 4 sails, From top to bottom

  • Main Topgallant
  • Main Upper topsail
  • Main Lower topsail
  • Main Course
  • The Main mast also has a Spanker. Between the main mast and the foremast there is also a Main topmast staysail.


    The foremaste has 3 sails, From top to bottom,

  • Fore upper topsail
  • Fore lower topsail
  • Fore course
  • The Foremast is also rigging 3 jib sails to the bowsprt, Top to bottom Flying jib, Inner Jib and outer jib.



    The Rorqual has 3 decks under the main deck (surface of the ship), and a top side with two raised decks and their surface, from bottom to top,

    Orlop Deck

    The Orlop is the lowest deck of the ship. Most of the cargo of the ship is stored here. In the forward starboard (right hand side as the ship sails) of the orlop there is a side hatch door. The door opens by dropping downwards creating a balcony with the openning of 4 meters in width and 2 in height.

    Ether Core

    On the aft (back) of the ship spanning both the orlop and berth decks there is the Ether Core room. The Ether core is a spherical device that allows the ship to levitate. The enormous magical device is kept in place with beams connected directly to the super structure of the ship.

    Berth Deck

    The "Berth Deck" on a ship, is a deck where the marine's sleeping berths are located. The crew would slings their hammocks here and rests when not on duty. CHests with the personal items of the crew are also located here. The Berth deck is generally an open space separated only the two bulkheads of the ship from the Ether core in the aft and the launch hatch in the front.

    The Anima rods of the ship are mostly distributed equally around the berth close to the middle of the ship to keep them safe and provide warmth of the sleeping crewmen

    The Launch

    In the front of the berth there is the Launch Hatch, 2 big hatches on either side of the ship provide a launching point for smaller vessels or flying beasts. in a closed area in front of the launch the ships anchor chain is also stored.

    Plane Rift Opener (Rifter)

    Perhaps the most complex piece of magical equipment of the ship is the "Rifter" a device that can create rifts in space and allow the ship to cross the Infinite black sea into another and travel to another plane or existence.

    Gun Deck

    The Gun deck is the deck where the ship's cannons were mounted and operated. when the ship is not in battle the deck is used as a common space for the crew and in times it is used as additional berth fot crew or passengers or cargo storage. In general storing cargo in this part of the ship is dangerous due to the fact that if a battle ensues the crew will not be able to operate efficiently and can cause damage to the cargo, the crew and make the cannnons inoperable.

    The Rorqual has 14 Broadside 24-pounder cannons, average in both range and damage these cannons allow the ship to battle most ships of its class and under its class, while with some good seamanship and due to the agility of the ship it is able to take on also bigger, less maneuverable targets.

    One of the, apparently, most important innovations of the Rorqual are the 7 Bolt Turrets of the ship.Four of those turrent are located in the quarters of the gundeck providing a 180 degrees horizontal and 90 degrees vertical arc of fire on either port and starboard side of the ship. Two more are located at the front of the ship as "chasers" and a single turret is located on top of the quarter deck facing the back of the ship. These Magical guns are connected by using blocollium cables to the rods on the deck below.

    Weather Deck

    The "Weather Deck" (also known as the Main deck) on a ship is the uppermost deck exposed to the weather and elements. The main deck is where most of the ship's operations take place, especially those involving sailing and navigation, this would include activities like managing sails, rigging, and steering. In the midship of the main deck is the top hatch of the ship. A lockable 2x2 meters wide double-door hatch that covers the "well" (or chute) a hole that passes through the hole ship, all the way down to the orlop.

    The main deck is protected with a tall railing that provides both safety from the elements and enemy fire for mariners on it. The railing is made by the same hard lumber the hull of the ship is made of and it is equipped with holes and arrowslits for the crew to attack in relative safety.

    Quarter Deck

    The Quarter Deck is a focal point of ship command and navigation. It is located at the rear part of the ship and slightly elevated from the main deck, offering a commanding view of the entire vessel. This area is typically reserved for the ship's officers and captain. It houses the navigation room, complete with navigation charts, sextants, and other tools essential for plotting courses through the planes. The Ley Lines observatory, a key feature for interplanar navigation, is also situated here. Additionally, this deck includes the officer quarters, providing living and private working spaces for the ship's higher-ranking crew members.


    The Galley is equipped with facilities to prepare and cook meals for the entire crew. The kitchen is designed to function efficiently even during the rigors of space travel, with secure storage for ingredients and utensils to prevent disarray during turbulent conditions. Adjacent to the kitchen is the carpenter's shop, a vital area where ongoing maintenance and necessary repairs of the ship are managed. The Galley also houses the Surgeon's Cot, a compact medical space where crew members receive medical attention and care. This deck is a communal area where crew members gather, not only for meals but also for social interaction, making it a vital part of daily life aboard the ship.


    The Forecastle of 'The Rorqual' is located at the front of the ship. It is a raised deck that gives an unobstructed view forward, crucial for lookout duties and navigating through celestial obstacles. This area also houses the foresail and the anchor wheel, essential for the ship's sailing operations. The Forecastle is equipped with two front chaser bolt turrets, providing a formidable offensive capability against any threats encountered ahead. The figurehead, a once-detailed representation of a whale, though now weathered and nearly unrecognizable, adds a touch of historical character to the ship. The Forecastle is not only a functional space but also a vantage point offering crew members a chance to gaze into the vastness of space during their journey.

    Poop Deck

    The Poop Deck, located at the stern of 'The Rorqual', is an elevated platform that provides an extensive view of the ship's wake and the space beyond. This deck typically includes the ship's wheel, the primary control mechanism for steering the vessel. A single back chaser bolt turret is strategically placed here, offering defensive capabilities against any threats approaching from behind. T

    Crow's nest

    The Crow's Nest, a high lookout point where crew members can observe distant objects or approaching vessels. This deck is not just a crucial area for navigation and defense; it's also a place where crew members can take a moment to reflect on their journey and the vastness of the cosmos they traverse.


    The Rorqual has an extended anima bank rated at 100,000 anima. x10 10,000 anima rod crystals. Brocollium Anima Distribution conduits from the rods to the core and the weapons

    Maneuverablity and Propulsion

    The ship's levitation is possible due to a 3rd generation Ether core that requires in average height 24 anima / hour


    The Rorqual is armed with 19 guns. 14 front loading 24-pounder cannons and 5 bolt shooters.


    The 24-pounder cannons are placed on the broadsides of the ship on the 3rd deck of the ship (gun deck) right under the sailing deck of the ship. Each gun requires a minimum of 3 marines to be operated at all, but it is recommended to have a crew of 6. (When operated as a military vessel the Rorqual had a compliment of 90 marines and 10 officers)

    Bolt Shooter Turrets

    Bolt shooters are guns that make use of anima to hurl magical bolts of energy to enemy ships. They require no gunpowder but use the anima stored in the anima rods (4 - 12 anima per shot). Bolt shooters, contrary to cannons can be operated by a single marine. The 2 bolt shooters are bow chaser turrets (turrets in the front of the ship), four are placed in the middle of the ship, midship turret and other one is a bow chaser turret (at the back of the ship).



    The Rorqual has a gunpowder magazine is a 2 cubic meters heavily armored (wood and metal platee) compartment placed safely in the middle of the second deck able to store, 5000 lb of gunpowder. (2230kg) in 50 100 lb kegs (each keg is roughly 12x12x12 inch (30cm). The gunpowder stored there gives the ship in averate the ability to shoot each gun around 30 times (420 shots).


    The ships's Shot Locker is located at the Orlop deck close to the main chute. It's able to hold around 12000lb (about 5 tonnes) of Ammunition. The Shot Locker (or Ordnance Safe) is a space dedicated to storing cannonballs and other types of ammunition. It is located near the gun deck for easy access during battle, but far enough to minimize the risk in case of an accidental explosion or fire.

    Round Shot

    Round shot is a solid iron ball, round shot it is the most common type of cannonball. It is used to smash through the hulls of ships, destroy rigging, and cause structural damage. Round shot can also be effective against fortifications and infantry formations. When fired, it will travel in a relatively straight trajectory, inflicting damage primarily through its kinetic energy and the force of impact.

    Cannister Shot

    Canister shot is essentially a tin can filled with small iron or lead balls, similar to a large shotgun shell. When fired, the can would burst open, and the small balls would spread out, functioning like a shotgun blast. This type of ammunition is particularly effective at short range. Canister shot is used primarily against enemy personnel, causing devastating injuries. It is less effective against structures or ships but was lethal against boarding parties or soldiers in tight formations.

    Chain Shot

    Chain shot consists of two smaller, sub-caliber iron balls connected by a short chain. It is specifically designed to destroy rigging, masts, and sails of ships. When fired, the chain would extend, spinning and cutting through anything in its path. This could effectively disable a ship by damaging its ability to maneuver or sail.


    Armor & Defenses

    The rorqual is separated into 14 hull compartments (H1-H15, 11 Sails (S1-S11), 4 Masts(M1-MR) and the rudder (S0). Each type compartment has a different Damage Reduction (DR), Armor Class (AC), Hardness and Hitpoints (HP). The Rorqual has no armor plating or an anima shield generator.

    The Hull of the Rorqual is made of a Medium thickness (25cm) Dark Oak lumber. Although it is posisble, the Rorqual has no additional armor plating on top of its hull.

    Hull (H1-H17)

    Hull Profile

  • DR 15/bludgeoning;
  • AC: 22 (10 + 16 Natural - 4 Size
  • Hardness: 30
  • Hit Points/compartment: 100
  • Hull Sections

  • H1-2 Ether Core
  • H3 Orlop Cargo Hold 1
  • H4 Orlop Cargo Hold 2
  • H5 Orlop Cargo Hold 3
  • H6 Berth Quarters 1
  • H7 Berth Quarters 2
  • H8 Berth Launch
  • H9 Gundeck Stern
  • H10 Gundeck Midship 1
  • H11 Gundeck Midship 2
  • H12 Gundeck Bow
  • H13 Quarter Deck
  • H14 Main Deck
  • H15 Galley
  • H16 Poop Deck
  • H17 Forecastle
  • Masts (M1-M4)

    Masts Profile

  • DR 15/bludgeoning
  • AC: 26
  • Harness: 35
  • Hit Points: 50 / mast
  • Masts Sections

  • M1 Main Mast Spanker
  • M2 Main Mast
  • M3 Fore Mast
  • M4 Bowsprit
  • Rudder (S0)

  • DR 15/piercing
  • AC: 12
  • Hardness: 5
  • Hit Points: 50
  • Sails (S1-S12

    Sails Profile

    DR 15/piercing
  • AC: 12
  • Hardness 5
  • Hit Points: 75 / sail
  • Sails Sections

  • S1 Spanker
  • S2 Main Sail (Main Course)
  • S3 Lower Main Top Sail
  • S4 Upper Main Top Sail (Upper)
  • S5 Main Top Gallant
  • S6 Fore Course
  • S7 Lower Fore Top Sail
  • S8 Upper Fore Top Sail
  • S9 Main topmast Staysail (Staysail)
  • S10 Flying Jib
  • S11 Inner Jib
  • S12 Outer Jib
  • Anima Points Stored
    x80 24lb Round shot
    x20 Cannister Shot
    x10 Chain Shot
    Related Technologies
    8.5m (under main deck) , 11m (Poop and Forecastle, +17m Main Mast
    16 Knots (30km/18miles/1hex) / hour
    Complement / Crew
    Berth for Captain, 10 Officers, 100 Marines
  • 2300 Mandays of Food
  • 20 Caskets of Rum
  • 40 tons of Dark Oak 10inch thick lumber
  • 500m Heavy Rope
  • 100m Brocolium Cable

  • Comments

    Please Login in order to comment!
    Dec 31, 2023 05:12 by Bart Weergang

    This is a cool ship! I like how extensive you made the article, all the details make the ship come to life for me. Well done.

    Dec 31, 2023 12:44 by C. B. Ash

    This is such an amazing article. Well done, Dimi. It is a fantastic inspiration!

    Jan 2, 2024 02:45 by Dimitris Havlidis

    Thank you so much! It's far from done and I will have to refine it as I progress with the "Shipyards" rules for Lyra but it is really appreciated.

    World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
    Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
    “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop

    Jan 2, 2024 12:16 by C. B. Ash

    You're welcome!

    Jan 1, 2024 01:47

    Wonderfully made Dimi! You may want to warn some party members that licking the wooden parts may result in 1d4 damage from splinters.   Also.... what crew of eleventy-one only brings 20 caskets of rum? I jest of course, as I said, great work on this.

    Feel free to stop by some of my WorldEmber articles if you want. My favorites are The Book of the Unquiet Dead, Outpost of the Moons, and The Emerald Hills. Feedback is always appreciated.
    Jan 2, 2024 02:46 by Dimitris Havlidis

    They just found the ship ... the crew, that my players just killed off, and took the ship, has been in need of emotional support

    World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
    Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
    “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop

    Jan 9, 2024 14:49 by K.S. Bishoff

    The amount of detail is awesome! Do you plan to add a section to note upgrades and remodeling?

    Come vist my worlds
    Jan 9, 2024 15:42 by Dimitris Havlidis

    Absolutely - this is going to be a whole system for Flying Ship Combat :)

    World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
    Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
    “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop

    Jan 12, 2024 00:57 by Myth Magic

    I love how detailed this is, and the diagram is a really great addition.

    Jan 15, 2024 01:14 by E. Christopher Clark

    Nicely done, Dimi. This was a fun read. I'm most intrigued by the Rifter.

    Now it's time for the awkward wave.
    Jan 22, 2024 22:09

    I like the extensive amount of details for the ship, also the drawing is just the cherry on top