The boat that doesn't need magic Vehicle in Project: Amanic | World Anvil
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The boat that doesn't need magic

Professional name TBA

Prototype vehicle
The boat that doesn't need magic, is, as the name would imply, a boat that doesn't need magic - a trait uniquely rare to itself, as every vehicle in Amanic is propelled, in one way or another, by magic. It was created by Karru (no surname) during his early 20s - and it's a one-of-a-kind type of boat, as he hasn't yet managed to create another one

The unnecesarily complex anatomy of The Rebel

If one wishes to understand The Rebel's anatomy, you have to see it as
A wooden dragon
— Karru
While that is a far-fetched comparison, it is true that it was devised as a ship that could fly the same way dragons did: no magic involved, just air and wings. It was a feat much unachievable for that time - and still is, you'll see

The Rebel - Dragon Parts by Pierrot

The wings won't actually take the ship upwards unless there's an appropriate current, but their size and quality of material make it so that, with a good height, the Rebel can stay 'afloat' for a long time

Yet, one will wonder how this thing turns around. When it's not subject of the wind's equally frustrating unpredictability, the wheel of the ship makes it so that you - can feel like you can - control where the ship moves

Anatomy by Pierrot

It ain't no fun ride - no seatbelts available. You may have noticed that the passengers only have the 60cm tall walls keeping them on deck, and you are correct! The engineer behind this feat of vehicle-making didn't think that maybe a sky-soaring machine should have safety measures - spending too much time with pirates made him that way   Since he wasn't really hoping for the ship to actually work, Karru also didn't design anything to put your fancy luggage into. Best option is to put it right where the inner workings go, but the gears may crush it...which is less than convenient
Apology to mobile users
The formatting is all over the place! The sidebar is where it doesn't belong! I'm sorry
The Rebel
If it works, it can't be bad!
Not up for sale!
Karru claims it has reached the speed of a baby dragon

The (not) wonderful Inner Workings

by Pierrot
It has always been theorized that the people from the Draconic Villages have a tremendous creativity - but what is creativity if you can explain exactly what's going on, in a fashion that everyone can understand?

Be not concerned, for not even Karru can explain how the Inner their thing! Yeah, sure, they move the wings and so and so, but how does that happen? It's a complete mystery. Sure, he could be witholding information from others so that his invention is never stolen...but I say that's nonsense! He doesn't know! Fraud! Fraud!

How does it sail?

Being the closest thing to planes in Amanic, there aren't quite a lot of things in the world that can accomodate for this vehicle's unique necessities. Mountain tops, exceptionally high buildings, a tornado...the list doesn't really go on

(Not shown in picture) It relies on its wheels for both taking off and landing - taking off is almost always easier, as it's mostly just throwing the ship off a cliff and hoping the wings won't spontaneously fold while still in the air

Landing, however, is another story entirely. So far, the Rebel has only 'landed' on water, and it was quite literally a crash landing

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Sep 12, 2021 20:27 by Time Bender

This is fantastic! I was chuckling inwardly while reading this. I love how unprepared and useless this ship appears to be! I mean, if you needed to use it as a cargo ship, no luck there, and you might fall off the ship too. XD

Sep 12, 2021 20:40 by Pierrot

Seems to me like it was a vanity quest after all!   I'm very glad you liked it (:

Sep 12, 2021 23:40 by E. Christopher Clark

I love the humor throughout this, and I like that we got descriptions of a couple of its flights too!

Now it's time for the awkward wave.
Sep 18, 2021 16:38

Fun read! Love how nobody actually understands how it works and are not able to recreate it xp With the lack of safety measures it is not something I would want to ride :p

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Sep 20, 2021 12:48 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Don't be offended, Karru, but I'm not taking a flight on this thing. XD Great article - I love the humorous tone throughout, and the description of the flights.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Sep 24, 2021 18:04 by Kaleidechse

I'm laughing tears over here - well done! XD The tone of the article is wonderful, with all the flaws and ignored issues in the design pointed out like this. The map and additional pictures look great, and I love all those little comments you included in them.

Creator of the Kaleidoscope System and the planet Miragia.
Sep 28, 2021 20:36

I enjoyed the humor and jokes sprinkled throughout the article. its is very important to our health, i think, that we don't take ourselves too seriously. I am going to go keep chuckling over here, off the boat where it is safe, but you keep up the good work. :D

Feel free to stop by some of my WorldEmber articles if you want. My favorites are The Book of the Unquiet Dead, Outpost of the Moons, and The Emerald Hills. Feedback is always appreciated.
Oct 6, 2021 09:01

That is one absurd, horrendously unsafe little ship that no one knows how it works yet it still flies and absolutely doesn't need magic! Kind of nonsensical but it made me laugh. good work!