New Year's Resolutions 2023 in Slumbering Gods | World Anvil

New Year's Resolutions 2023

  1. Mad Talk: The Traditions by Tyburn

    I loved the writing style in this article. I loved reading it and thought it was so much fun. Granted it did border a bit on rude and slightly crude, but I want to have humor in future articles. And the beginning I thought was a great hook.   
  2. Flamin’ion by EmilyArmstrong

    The information given was short, concise, and easy to understand. I want to do that in future articles since I do tend to have some extra words thrown in to make it sound "better," even though in reality it probably just slows down the read time. So I want to get better at that this year.   
  3. Origins of Humanity by Lady Grayish

    This article was a quick read that I enjoyed. I like that there was little bits of mystery, and I enjoyed the writing style was more in a speaking kind of way. So with that said in the next year I want to grow my writing skills and develop different voices that are all unique and interesting.   
  4. Coastal People by hughpierre

    Coastal People was a nice easy read article about a group of people with an interesting culture. The arrangement was nice and made it easier to read, breaking up the monotany of paragraph after paragraph of information. This year I want to do things like that. Just simple and interesting rearrangements.  
  5. Magic in Noirath by kefkejaco

    I loved this article. There was so much interesting information and I love how it's arranged. I love how there's different types of magic in this world, and it has actually helped me think about my magic system and what tweaking it may need. This year I want to get better at world building magic systems and I think this along with quite a few others will help me.  
  6. The Songbirds by DM_Dango

    This was a fascinating read that had hints of mystery in it. I really liked how it did various perspectives in the "Public Perception." And I liked that, because sometimes I forget that there are various people in my world and that everyone will view my organizations differently. Along with that even though there was a fair amount information, it was interesting enough to keep me wanting to read more, and I want to do that this year.  
  7. The Red Tongue by Kitsune Sobo

    This language is well-written and well thought out. It was easy to understand and interesting. And the application for me would be to not overcomplicate things, which I'm pretty sure I did with my own language and my magic system.  
  8. God's Influence on Language by AmélieIS

    This article was fun. I enjoyed the little bits of humor and little sarcasm sprinkled throughout. This year, I want to be able to make an article that's fun to read without having to break up chunks of it, and reminds me again to not have different aspects of my world to live on their own. I should have my own gods take part and have an effect on the world around them.  
  9. Letters From the Front by Dr Know

    This is a really sweet prose that I really do love. I like that it's in letter form and is a great way to connect with this character. And this year I want to get better at creating maybe not necessarily relatable, but empathetic characters.  
  10. Tea Ball by Mochimanoban

    This article is short and shows that even food relates to culture, which shows me that I need to remember that everything in my world connects. I usually forget and make certain parts of my world live in a vacuum, so I'll try to improve that this year.
Additional Resolutions
Now I've never done it before, but even though I have finished a few rough drafts I want to finally tackle REVISING.   Am I going in blind? Yes.   Do I have any idea of what I'm doing? No, not really.   Will I figure it out? Yes, possibly. (Maybe not.)   But that's one of them. And along with revising, I want to work on interconnecting different aspects of my writing. Like plots, characters, magic, and culture. I want to build a cohesive world that I'm proud of. A world that makes sense, and works well together. I don't want to have a part that just is there.   And lastly, I want to figure out what I'm good at writing. Now, I know that actually can take a bit of time, but I do want to find out what genre I'm good at. I've tried a few, but nothing really works, and I always come back to Fantasy. But Fantasy's hard. So this year I want to find my genre, and if it's Fantasy, then Fantasy it shall be.   But I wish you all luck, on your worlds, writing projects, and have a great rest of your year!   Signed, EBelt
  1. Mad Talk: The Traditions by Tyburn  
  2. Flamin'ion Spell by Emily Armstrong  
  3. Origins of Humanity by Lady Grayish
  5. Coastal People by hughpierre
  7. Magic in Niorath by Kefkejaco
  9. The Songbirds Organization by DM_Dango
  11. The Red Tongue by Kitsune Sobo
  13. Gods' Influence on Language by AmélieIS
  15. Letters From the Front by Dr Know
  17. Tea Ball by Mochimanoban


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Jan 1, 2023 00:34

Excellent start.   I like that you listed each article in a numbered list, and included what you'd learned.   I think I'm going to give this one a try!

Jan 1, 2023 02:32 by Jacqueline Yang

Aw, thank you!

Jan 1, 2023 04:58 by Dimitris Havlidis

Really cool! But why aren't you linking to the original articles? :) Show us!

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
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“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop

Jan 1, 2023 05:12 by Jacqueline Yang

Oh my gosh, thank you so much for commenting! And don't worry I did link the original articles. They are just to the right of the main body.

Jan 1, 2023 10:04 by Mochi

Thank you so much for picking one of my articles!

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.
Jan 1, 2023 13:52 by Jacqueline Yang

You're welcome!

Jan 1, 2023 19:09 by TJ Trewin

You've got this! Have a great new year :)

Journals of Yesteryear

Please consider voting for me in the 2024 Worldbuilding Awards!
Jan 1, 2023 19:16 by Jacqueline Yang

Thanks for the encouragement!

Jan 3, 2023 09:05 by Annie Stein

Revising and interconnecting your work sounds like a great task to set out on, and I do think that process could help you find your thing. Best of luck!

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jan 5, 2023 19:33

Thank you for picking one of my articles means a lot! ^^ Some other great picks in here as well! I wish you the best of luck with linking your ideas and hope you find what you like best this year :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Jan 9, 2023 05:50 by Paul

We have some of the same goals for the year! Humor, inter-connectivity, and revision. We can do this!

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