Valonian Ethnicity in Terraloga | World Anvil
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The Lord of Wisdom

I'll never let your people down, I promise. The only thing I'll let down is you.
Valus, the first Valonian emperor, before he get everything.

Valonian refer to the people of Valone and those under their influence in the name of the kingdom and later the empire, in which cover majority of the west coast of South Estisia. They were originated from a group of Krin migrating to the west. Briefly, they share the same culture and value, though some alterations were made throughout its history.


Family is similar if not identical to Krin; Men are the external leader contributing to the society, while women are the internal leader contributing to the household. However, their social classes are different.

Around ten percent of the population came from the wealthy families. However, the power they have are not even close to the seven aristocratic families. They are the descendants of the country's founders, holding the most influence over the senate, managing all the official facilities, and if going back to the early days, they were the senate.

Nevertheless, they're still not as powerful as the Rarmons, one of the seven who literally rule the country, and be familiar with.

The following are Catasturion. They are not only the commander of the Gunner Legion, but in some cases they are also the Governor of the empire's provinces. Appointed by the senate, catasturion are among the best soldiers in the field, which is followed by legionaries, of course.

Then there are merchants and craftsmen. These two drive the economy with exchangeable benefits. They're the most popular careers to be also. The rest are freemans and those in poverty.

Unlike the Krin, slavery is not a supportive topic. The transition from slavery to waging system during the early days had already helped their economy without demoting others value. Valonians in the east however still embrace slavery like the old days.

Most people never consider slaves as abhorrent or taboo. In fact, the majority of Krin slaves has defected to the west and lived as freemen, whereas the native Krins struggle to embrace these Valonian's free ways.


Culture and cultural heritage


With temple being found in most settlements, Valonian initially shared the same pantheon with Krin, though lean toward Omendeus, the god of wisdom and craftsmen, and Edinthisefe, the god of sun and horse. Later on, they added divine duo from Luumism: Limm and Luum.


Speaking of horse, it has infuses into a majority of traditions thanks to its abundence in the area since they first stepped atop the mouth of the Dirwen River. The chariot racing are one of the most popular sports. Its variety also defie the value of their society. For example, Cloud Horse are considered the king of horse, worthy for the royals.

Despite them almost became extinct in the same wild, the reminent of such magnificent creatures still embeded over their culture; The dream of fast travelling and everlasting meadows and fields are pictured in Valonian's mind, and their morale is as tough as a brave calvary. Even their flag back then used to have a horseshoe on it.

Average technological level

Needless to say, they bring much of technologies from Krin society such as infrastructures. Every large towns must have a sewer system, pipe system, and very durable roads. Valonian society support the innovation, where everyone can turn crazy ideas comes to life with the patronage of the aristocrats. They can even go to Institute of Knowledge to study or write precious documents, to be used and preserved for generations of scholars until eternity.

Unlike the rest of the world, they are the first ever to implement Catastropium, a magical crystal that can be found in Valone only. They invented self-lighting lamps, gisterning jewelries, over-the-top military equipment, and the most complex of all - automobiles.

Major organizations

Valonia Empire

The mightly empire of the west, the place that started it all. Betrayed by the flaw of the old system which was the Empire of Kritus, they went to the west to form their own country. The influence extend to the east exponentially, to the point it suppressed their rival, both cultural and political, becoming the superpower of the South Estisia.

Protectorate of Garol

The small kingdom under the protection of Irgia Republic, they coincidentally formed by the immigrants as well. They escaped from Valone during the war against the Krins. Even though the Valonia finally liberated itself, many Garolians prefered to stay there. The kingdom and the empire become an alliance who only be blocked by the mountain ranges and the Dirwen River.

The Identity of Valonian

Everytime a culture is conquered they bring and integrate their culture into captive states. They've learned that it allow themselves to rule easier then eradicate the existing one. Valus Rarmon described the identity as:

  • Can share the view of peace
  • Can vow the oath of wisdom
  • Can talk in the same language

Teach people, cooperate with locals, and sell our symbols. Make everyone want to be like us. Do not force them if unnecessary.
— Excerpt from Conquest with Stability, Valus Rarmon

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Author's Notes

Original Creation Date: 13 Jan, 2019
8/2/2024 - Post-WE edit: Minor revise

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Dec 31, 2023 01:50 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Fun overview of what it means to be Valonian. I like their love of the horse, and that their old flag had a horseshoe on it! :D

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jan 5, 2024 18:33

Thank you! It's fun to draw. :D