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The Expanse

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A world torn apart by thousands of years of class warfare. Beginning all the way with the birth of the gods, the Expanse has been the battleground of the conquered and the conqeueror. Era after era passed, with balance and peace remaining unattainable. Only within the last thousand years has a facade of safety grown. In the present day, the regions that were once harshly divided are beginning to mingle. Technology and magic are advancing, and along with it, civilization. In some ways, prosperity thrives, but in other ways, the threat of danger becomes more imminent each day. In the plains of Lakas, an ancient kingdom struggles to survive against drought, famine, organized crime, and poverty. In the grand kingdom of Inninon, the wealthy elite thrive and know little struggle, but the poorer class is growing impatient with the king and his nobles. In the far north, the icy land of the Eldmork, the ghost of a cruel and monstrous empire has begun to haunt a region full of outcasts and wanderers. In the far east, a new frontier is being explored by civilized nations, with dark mystery after dark mystery being uncovered. In the midst of the sea, the island people of Hanua live in harmony with nature, enjoying the blessings of the sea and the wisdom handed to them by the gods, but the Hanuans grow increasingly wary of the dangers inching toward their shores. In the south, the diverse Mahinan Peninsula is being sacked by outside forces, struggling to gather together a united front of rebellion. In the far southeast, the deserts of Mayon remain the most isolated and impassable region in the known world. There, a mysterious people live, but no one has returned alive to tell their tales. In the far west, an empire grows in strength, threatening the tedious balance of the Expanse. Forces outside this world entirely also threaten the civilized people. The borders between the Feywild and Shadowfell weaken every passing day. The forces of heaven and hell still reach their hands into the Expanse to manipulate sentient races to their will. And, finally, one important question still remains unanswered: where are the Old Gods? The ones born before the forming of the world? Are they dead, lost, or have they simply abandoned creation altogether? Which of these threads will snap first? Where will the next great war begin? Or will heroes from across the lands be able to bond together to maintain what little peace they already have? Only time will tell...