Amaimon Flynn Character in The World | World Anvil
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Amaimon Flynn

Amaimon Flynn (a.k.a. Flynn)

A well-known face in every brothel and tavern across Merterra, Flynn finds music and adventure wherever he roams.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Flynn is short and slightly on the heavier side, but healthy. He's very agile for his size.

Body Features

Long, twisting, upright horns adorn the top of Flynn's head. His tail is thick and has large, faint spots. His hands are almost claw-like, but not quite.

Facial Features

Flynn has a wide, aquiline nose, bright eyes, and a winning smile. His high cheekbones give him an almost sophisticated look, though the rest of him betrays that he's not.

Apparel & Accessories

A gift from his adopted father, Flynn wears a long, bright blue coat that perfectly accentuates his red skin. He prides himself on keeping it in good condition despite his wandering lifestyle, though he doesn't realize that it's enchanted to stay that way.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Flynn was abandoned in the streets as a baby after his mother died and was taken in by the local gang of street urchins who taught him how to steal and pick pockets. As a tiefling, he didn't blend into the crowds as well as the other children, but he was very talented when he got the chance. When he was about five, a traveling snake oil salesman by the name of Ivan Flynn came to town. Flynn was enraptured by his bright colors and way with people. He snuck onto his cart one night and accidentally fell asleep unnoticed until Ivan was well on his way out of town. Ivan saw himself in the child and took him in, giving him a home and a job as his assistant. Flynn took Ivan's family name and became a great swindler. Eventually, he struck out on his own to find work as a bard and adventurer. He still teams up with his adoptive father on occasion for more high-profile cons.

Gender Identity

Cis Male


Disaster bi


Flynn was raised on the streets and never got a formal education. That said, he's quick to pick up new information and has learned to speak many languages just from hearing them.


Starting at the age of five, Flynn was taken in by a traveling salesman by the name of Ivan Flynn. He worked with him selling snake oil for about fifteen years until he set off on his own, working as a bard and an adventurer.

Personality Characteristics


Flynn is motivated by a lust for adventure. He'll take any job that sounds interesting, especially if it pays well.


Social Aptitude

A swindler by trade, Flynn has great charisma and an aptitude for enrapturing the common folk. However, his big ego can sometimes get him in trouble with those who can see through his dazzling front.


Though he's small by stature, Flynn tends to take up a lot of space. He gestures widely, speaks loudly, and flirts with everybody.
Solid black
Medium-length, curly, dark purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bright red, with purple gradient at the tips of his horns and tail
5'4" (6' if horns are included)
150 lbs
Known Languages
Fluent in Common, Elvish, Dwarven, and Infernal

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Feb 2, 2022 13:46

Interesting character. Especially a fun thought that he thinks he is so good at keeping the coat clean while he it does it on its own. Right now you have some short pieces of text for each header. You could use your own categories to bundle some of the information together :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Feb 4, 2022 11:23 by Catoblepon

I love the gift he got from his adoptive father. Nice article! :D

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Feb 6, 2022 18:03

A solid foundation has been laid. I agree with Kefkejaco, about possibly making your own headers to have a bit more cohesion in the article.   Another thing that I think would add a lot is perhaps a story/explanation about why he goes by his adoptive family name rather than his first name.

Feel free to stop by some of my WorldEmber articles if you want. My favorites are The Book of the Unquiet Dead, Outpost of the Moons, and The Emerald Hills. Feedback is always appreciated.
Feb 10, 2022 23:43 by Angantyr

I like the character's backstory and how he climbed the ladder of con arts. :D Raised in a gang by urchins, then picked up by a snake oil salesman. You did a neat job portraying his skills and their origin!   When looking at the sidebar, I noticed some information not described in the text, e.g., the Infernal language, the disaster bi sexuality. Both pique my interest and promise a story or two — it would be awesome to read more. The race information is missing too — which one is it?

Playing around with words and worlds
Feb 16, 2022 09:11 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Nice character, this was an interesting childhood XD When and where did he learn to play music/sing?