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Thule When the twilight of memory meets the dawn of a new era

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Many centuries have passed since the glory days of Thule, a world that once radiated with the allure of flourishing green landscapes, boundless magic, and advanced civilizations. Within this realm, the many races coexisted in perfect harmony, weaving together nations where the art of diplomacy thrived and cultural exchanges adorned the passage of time with intricate art, exotic spices, and technologies on the cusp of agricultural revolution. All of this was nurtured under the benevolent gaze of Esmat, a deity of the Gods’ Pantheon whose power was not one of dominance but of nurturing, and the world's beauty was a reflection of her kind and gentle heart.

While the origins of sentient life remained veiled in mystery, it was widely believed that Esmat held a pivotal role in shaping the very essence from which the first souls emerged. Her nurturing hand was likened to a gardener tending to the soil in which the seeds of consciousness were sown, providing the nourishment required for the delicate sprouts to burgeon into the flourishing diversity that defined Thule. Esmat's presence was everywhere – in the gentle rustle of leaves, the whisper of the wind, and the shimmering waters that cascaded through valleys. Her people revered her not as a distant deity but as a guiding force, a protector, and a source of endless inspiration. Under her watchful eyes and with the help of the Edas, her beloved goddess of the moon, civilization blossomed, and communities prospered.

However, over time, a sense of complacency began to creep into the hearts of the people. With their needs met and their challenges mitigated, ambition waned. Innovation slowed, creativity stagnated, and a growing number of individuals began to feel an emptiness that couldn't be filled by material comforts alone. They yearned for purpose beyond the surface-level tranquility that Esmat had provided. As generations passed, whispers of discontent grew louder, finding voices among those who believed that their existence was lacking depth, despite the love of their goddess and reverence for the Pantheon. They questioned the authenticity of their achievements, wondering if they were the result of their own efforts or merely the consequences of Esmat’s divine intervention.

Little is known of what happened next, save that a great divide occurred. The few remaining texts from this time describe an event in which Esmat’s most devout follower, the human and High Hierophant Thalric, grew desperate to quell the growing doubt and unrest. It is written that in his fervent quest, Thalric sought to ascend and join his goddess – to learn from her directly how to best to help their people. Yet, these demands were rebuked by Esmat herself. Fueled by zealous fervor and thwarted ambition, the High Hierophant struck down the goddess, rallying his followers to descend upon and attack those who doubted the divine path that even Esmet herself seemed to grow weary with.

At the height of his indignant rage, Thalric summoned a great devil of unknown name or origin, sacrificing his own humanity in turn. Infernal beings crawled forth at the devil’s beckoning, immediately ravaging the human capital city where Thalric conducted his summoning, within the inner sanctum of Esmat’s own temple. Devastation spread through the world, cleaving apart land and ocean alike. The earth split and yawned open into depthless caverns while the oceans rose to unparalleled heights, just to shatter back upon the land in endless floods.

Admist her heartbreak and fury, Edas rose up, mourning the loss of both her love and her people as she called the other gods to arms. Cataclysmic battles sent shockwaves through the land, further scarring the land as the demons were slowly pushed back and repelled. Seven long years of war marred the land and steadily dwindling population until, at the cost of her own divinity, Edas managed to seal the devil in a prison whose location has been lost to time. In the remnants of a broken world that had lost two goddesses and over half of its population, those remaining faced the daunting task of rebuilding from the ashes.

The survivors, a disparate and diverse group, clung to life in this harsh and unforgiving new reality, eventually giving way to our current reality several hundreds of years later. Humans, once the dominant race, now teeter on the brink of extinction. Dwarves have risen up, fracturing into split kingdoms as much of their previous underground lands still remain flooded beyond hope. Aasimar and Teiflings, descendants of celestial and infernal bloodlines, find themselves severed from the wellspring of their ancestral abilities. Halfings, masters of unity in diversity, gather in tight-knit coastal enclaves, their communal strength a beacon of resilience amidst the chaos. Elves and Genasi rise as the dominant, prevailing races, casting a shadow of blame upon the humans, for it was from within their ranks that the betrayer Thalric emerged, forever damning their once-revered goddess.

Amidst the broken continents and islands that remain, remnants of ancient civilizations endure as haunting echoes of the past. Crumbling cities and overgrown ruins are now infested with twisted creatures born from the warped magic that lingers in the atmosphere. Mutated flora and fauna, as well as eldritch beings born of the sundering itself, roam the land, serving as constant reminders of Thalric’s wrath.

Yet, amid the chaos and desolation, pockets of beauty and wonder persist. Enchanted oases harbor resilient communities that have adapted to the new reality, harnessing the fractured magic to forge new paths. Skyships, fashioned from salvaged relics and powered by the very essence of the sundering, sail between the disparate islands, connecting the scattered remnants of civilization.

As you navigate the tumultuous currents of this altered reality, forged by the deeds of bygone ages, the world beckons you to seize its boundless potential. Will you delve into the depths to unearth fragments of forgotten wisdom and arcane power? Or perhaps lean into the whispers of burgeoning kingdoms on the cusp of rising, and decide whether to extend a helping hand or quash their fledgling ambitions. Your aims might be as noble as mending the fractured realm, still aching from the wounds of long ago. But with danger lurking at every turn and the scars of betrayal still fresh even several centuries later, the path to forward is, as always, fraught with danger, uncertainty, and adventure.