Ro'aqlen Rank/Title in Tiyu Amara | World Anvil


In some more theocratic countries, the existence of their patron gods and saints are seen as more of an ideal - a goal to strive towards and to emulate, but not to consult with. Not so with Zhrayqarnyu. Their Ro'aqlen, their chief priest, speaks to the divinity in times of peace and strife, and asserts their will.
The Ro'aqlen is the head of state of the Divine Kingdom of Zhrayqarnyu, concurrently being the chief priest in the kingdom's worship of the Divinity of Wisdom, from whom the Ro'aqlen derives their authority. The current Ro'aqlen is Ikensa IV, ascendant on the 8th of Mercy, 20 Return.


A Ro'aqlen has reigned in Zhrayqarnyu since the kingdom's foundations, approximately 1600 years ago, and so is tied intimately to the kingdom's origins. While the archaelogical record is muddled, the common telling is that the first Ro'aqlen was the child of the Divinity of Wisdom, and was empowered by their parent to unite the disparate tribes in their area in worship.   This first ruler is said to have reigned for an impressive two centuries, though there is little evidence from the time period to verify this by. They would be succeeded by their distant descendants, who maintain their traditions and rituals to this day.


The next Ro'aqlen is chosen by their predecessor, often years and decades prior to their ascension. In situations where this is not possible, such as in cases of disaster or sudden illness, high ranking priests within Zhrayqarnyu's church will come together to commune with Wisdom, who will then select someone to fill the vacant role.   While this system theoretically allows for any individual to become Ro'aqlen, in practice the role is hereditary, having remained within the same family line for centuries. It is not, however, governed by any form of primogeniture common in other monarchies, with no precedence granted to the eldest descendants or even those who directly descend from the previous Ro'aqlen.  


As being Ro'aqlen is a lifetime appointment, it is exceedingly rare for one to leave the position for any reason. Most who have left the position have done so voluntarily, choosing to resign or retire into a purely ceremonial role late in life, often due to ill health. In other instances, rulers have been removed in the course of civil wars, though are often still considered to be representatives of Wisdom until they die.   However, there are means for legally and peacefully removing a Ro'aqlen from power, which necessitates the intervention of Wisdom themself to decree them unworthy of the position. While the Divinity can do so at any time of their own accord, typically they need to be asked to do so by high ranking priests, and they have been known to refuse these requests. To date, this has only removed a Ro'aqlen once.


The Ro'aqlen is the head of state of Zhrayqarnyu, and so has all the responsibilities of statecraft and administration. As an absolute monarch this is all in their authority, though all Ro'aqlens delegate considerable work to various priests, nobles, and people of standing.   As the chief priest of Wisdom, the Ro'aqlen leads the kingdom in many festivals and traditions which honour the Divinity, and performs important roles in many rituals held behind doors in the great temples. While many of these duties can be done by others, one unique to the Ro'aqlen is the channeling of Wisdom during the decennial Fete of Experience, in which the Divinity is invited to speak to the assembled crowd and provide direction for the decade to come. Though any priest or person of significant faith and conviction can speak to the divine, only the Ro'aqlen may summon them in this way, without a contract.
Religious, Political
Form of Address
Their Holiness
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Lifetime appointment
Current Holders
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Royal Removed

The sole Ro'aqlen to be removed from his post was Uyntteyl III, reigning prior to the Collision from the Tiyu Nohan equivalent of 96 Renewal until 7 Plenty. Ascending to the throne amidst complex power jockeying, it was widely believed he had strong-armed the previous Ro'aqlen, Uyntteyl II, into announcing him as his successor.   His 12 years in power saw his rivals for the throne brutally suppressed, alongside their supporters and any other dissidents, and the country enter into a short-lived and disastrous war against their northern neighbour. As he continued refusing to appoint any heir to succeed him, his priests sought counsel with Wisdom, hoping to ensure the kingdom's security. To their surprise, Wisdom is said to have told them to have Uyntteyl removed from the throne and replaced with his aunt.   When Uyntteyl unsurprisingly refused to obey the requests of his priests, Wisdom formed a contract with the priests to grant them the strength, both physical and divine, to see Uyntteyl sent to the farthest reaches of the kingdom. Despite his many subsequent attempts to reclaim the throne from Ro'aqlen Eddomdey I, he would never again represent Wisdom in Zhrayqarnyu.
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Dec 3, 2023 11:22 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Really found this interesting. Thanks for including the story of the one that got removed, I was going to ask about it! :D

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 4, 2023 14:28 by Bob O'Brien

Welcome back!!! And best of luck in hitting your WorldEmber goals!

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