New Year's Resolution for 2024 in Tread of Darkness | World Anvil
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New Year's Resolution for 2024

Favorite WorldEmber articles!

All of these are written by others, of course. I prioritized authors I've read from before but discovered a few new ones as well!

Ka'a by Serukis

Settlement | Dec 13, 2023

Ka'a is the only settlement in the country of Eusakai, its name coming from the Ilwyrikan word for 'protection'. Its population tends to wax and wane throughout the year, with many individuals choosing to travel to Ilwyrika for the harshest winter months

I chose an article by Serukis that not many people seemed to have read, but I found it very interesting. The idea of a settlement with a small number of denizens that changes according to the time of year was cool. I also liked how the town only had one permanent building and the rest were built when people were there.

The Crystal Queen by PFoxheart

The Crystal Queen
Character | Dec 29, 2023
I picked this article out of the character special category and really enjoyed it. Although the formatting isn't perfect, the information presented in the article is laid out well. The Crystal Queen is an interesting person and reminded me of my own character I wrote about this year. Overall, this is a good article!

Joie by 1337spectra

Species | Dec 31, 2023
This is a lovely article about birds. The information about them is presented nicely and the article flows well. The details are good and the images help visualize them better. The end of the article has an animated image of birds flying in a forest and it's so cool.

Celestial Tongue by Endrise

Celestial Tongue
Language | Dec 9, 2023

The language of creation, spoken by Celestials.

Celestial tongue is a language composed on only 32 words, but each word can have multiple meanings depending on the pronunciation. Only special beings can speak the language because of its power to alter reality. I thought this article was very well-written and describes the magic associated with it nicely.

The Sannian Kidnapping Announcement by AmélieIS

The Sannian kidnapping announcement
Document | Feb 28, 2024

Flyers sent over the borders by the Sanniens after they kidnapped the emperor, full of childish taunts and threats...

I laughed when I read this article by Amélie. After kidnapping the emperor, the kingdom of Sanne sent these flyers to inform the empire of their success. I love the little stick figure illustrations, the childish wording of the document, and the format of the article.

Lapin Secret Library by SableAradia

Lapin Secret Library
Building / Landmark | Dec 29, 2023
I love the concept of magic libraries, which is what drew me to this article. I enjoyed reading about this building and its history and architecture. The idea of the pocket dimension it exists in was well-thought-out and interesting.

Spaniad's Katana by eccbooks

Spaniard’s Katana
Item | Dec 12, 2023

The Spaniard’s Katana is one of the fabled Seven Swords of Wonderland. Brought to Eden by Hamish I at the start of the Second Age, it is the most beloved blade in The Highlands.

I found this article very interesting. The sword itself is cool, with a special ability that transfers skills from people who are killed with it, but the most intriguing part is the mysteries associated with its first owner. Overall, it was an interesting read.

Dreams by Hanhula

Physical / Metaphysical Law | Dec 19, 2023

Ideas and imagination made manifest as psychic constructs upon the Dimension of Dreams, to live and die within the span of one's sleep.

As soon as I started reading this article I knew it would be great, and it was. The concept of dreams as psychic creations within mental dimension was interesting to consider and all of the aspects of dreaming were explained very well. The images add another layer to the presentation of this article and I loved them.

Sky Full of Worlds by elspeth87

Sky Full Of Worlds
Myth | Feb 28, 2024
This myth is a short and rather simple read, but the meaning comes across perfectly. The message of taking care of the planet and preventing it from being lonely is explained after the story, but was written well. Overall, this was a nice article.

Cuisine of the Mercurian Nomads by nine

Cuisine of the Mercurian Nomads
Tradition / Ritual | Feb 4, 2024

The culinary practices of the Nomads of Mercury have a profound impact on the areas they travel through. Wherever they travel, they bring foods and seeds with them.

Although this isn't a very long or detailed article, I enjoyed the simple layout and the way the information was presented. The nomads have several staple foods as well as their own agricultural methods, which I found interesting. The article ends with a description of techniques used to cultivate plants despite environment loss.
Happy New Year, everyone! First, I'd like to say that I hope everyone had a successful 2023 in which you accomplished most of your goals and were able to do all the writing that you wanted. 2023 was certainly a rather busy year for me, in which I dropped a lot of the reading I had previously been doing and worked on other things instead. However, my creativity rarely dipped, and I feel rather good about what I've done.

Plans for 2024!

In the new year, I’m hoping to work more on both the Tread of Darkness and Jerde. I need to fill out the information on other organizations and some important things like transportation and energy in Tread of Darkness and I'm hoping to do some countries and powers in Jerde. We'll see how that goes.   I also have two new stories I need to finish writing about: Time Loops and Grade Unknown. Time Loops is mostly futuristic but has historical connections as well. The protagonist must help people trapped in time loops complete their goals before he can escape his own loop. Grade Unknown is about powers that are randomly assigned by a mysterious system and the efforts of several people to overthrow the manipulative factions trying to exploit the system. I'm not planning to write them out just yet or even plot them, I just need to collect all my knowledge and write it down.   I started a few short stories in 2023 that I haven't finished, so hopefully I can do those. I also want to work on actually writing my book (it's plotted out, I just need to write it!). I still haven't copied over the snippets I wrote this past October into a notebook and I should really do that. Not to mention continuing to work on my master plot for the Tread of Darkness series and getting all my vague ideas onto paper.   Outside of writing and worldbuilding, I need to work on some knitting projects, complete classes, look at career things, and find time to be with friends and family. Oh, and also read the new books I got that I haven't even started. (If you can't guess, I am very overwhelmed.)

Articles I plan to write this year

  • Lannon Batteries (the most widespread source of energy in the galaxy)
  • TT Law Firm (a well-known law firm that wins all its cases)
  • Interplanetary Foster System (all orphanages and foster homes are managed by the IFS)
  • Standard Galactic Calendar (the calendar used across the galaxy)
  • Diplomat Class Starship (a model used by senators and diplomats)
  • Eternals (written in a similar format to Overview of Magic)
  • Whirlan (a country in Narthica)
  • Graviticity (extinct Gifted power that manipulates gravitational forces)
  • Storming (Gifted power that controls storms)
  • Lake Kimoposet (a lake with a permanent portal and various temporary ones)
  • Peshtera Ňaz L'da (an ice cave city created by Gifted powers)

My best WorldEmber articles!

Please give one or two a read! Thank you!
Overview of Magic
Generic article | May 29, 2024

An overview of how magic appears in the galaxy, written in the form of a lecture on the subject.

Geographic Location | May 28, 2024

Geranium is divided into North and South, each half of the planet with a different government. North Geranium is home to the CKGs while South Geranium is ruled by a mysterious mage.

Haspanic Civil War
Military Conflict | Dec 29, 2023

Also called the Haspanic War, this conflict is the only time Haspanic farmers have fought each other.

Character | May 28, 2024

Conri is the Celestial of wolves and lives in a forest of South Geranium


Thank you for reading my resolution article! I slowly wrote this over the weeks and I apologize if parts are rushed, basic, or distant. I have a lot on my mind this month and haven't been able to focus well on this article. I'm honestly just happy I managed to finish it. I probably won't be able to publish anything until February, so I would like to wish everyone a final Happy New Year. I hope you are excited about this new year and have set achievable goals that you can't wait to accomplish. Goodbye, and Happy New Year!

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Cover image: by Lilliana Casper


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Jan 26, 2024 01:53 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks for including my work on this excellent list and good luck on your work here in 2024!

Now it's time for the awkward wave.
Jan 26, 2024 17:47 by Lilliana Casper

You're welcome! Good luck to you too!

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.
Jan 27, 2024 09:43 by Annie Stein

Best of luck with finalizing those stories, and writing the book!   And thank you for featuring my article <3

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jan 27, 2024 16:37 by Lilliana Casper

You're welcome! Good luck to you as well this year!

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.