The Hunters Lodge Building / Landmark in Vamporeta | World Anvil
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The Hunters Lodge


This pub/restaurant was build in the year 1870, as a meeting place for Vampire Hunters, Humans who hunt vampires and werewolves. Over the years it became also a place to get a good meal and drink.    


by Greenstock
The pub/restaurant lays just outside the town of Red Tempest, and looks from the outside just like a hunting cabin. With antlers from deer on the roof. The building was made entirely from wood, but over the years the owners reinforced the walls with bricks and covered those with wooden beams. The porch has two large wooden benches for smokers, because it is forbidden to smoke inside
The inside is simple, and it looks also a lot like a hunting lodge. Wooden beams barred into the walls. Lamps made from fake antlers and even some fake stuffed animals. Wooden tables are scattered across this pub/restaurant. Opposite of the door is the bar, connected to the kitchen. If a hunter faces the bar he will find on the left side of it a wanted board with posters of the most wanted vampires, on the right side there is the same board but then with werewolves. There is no bounty on those bloodsuckers or howlers. Because hunter do not hunt for money, they do it for the honor of their families and Conclaives.
by Heroforge and paint 3D

Vampire Hunters

The organization runs this pub/restaurant for years, and it has become a gathering spot for many hunters. To share their stories about the hunt, with a good glass of liqueur. The vampire hunters keep the world of the supernatural a secrete for the rest of humanity. So the bar is for that matter also of limits for people who do not know about the vampires and werewolves. A member of the hunters works every time the lodge is open as a bouncer. The hunters are recognized by their black coats with the crest of their respective Conclaives on it. If there is a new member, he/she/they need to have an escort. Not only the hunters are using this lodge, it is not strange to see a vampire of the noble families in there. This is usually the case if there is a big hunt going on. This is to prevent unnecessary casualties, and to spread the word around the vampire community. Werewolves however will rather die than to set foot inside the pub/restaurant.  


Here is a list with names of the most important families, who visit this pub/restaurant often:
  • Lazar Family
  • Merriweather Family
  • Burton Family
  • Lockridge Family
  • Smith Family
  • Brent Family


by Heroforge

Name: Terrance Wood   Job: Bouncer   Conclaive: Werewolves Age: 55
Name: Bobby Wood   Job: Bartender   Conclaive: Vampires   Age: 24

by Heroforge


by Heroforge

Name: Olivia Wood   Job: Waitress   Conclaive: Werewolves   Age: 21
Name: Andrea Wood   Job: Cook   Conclaive: Werewolves   Age: 52

by Hero forge

Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Owning Organization


Lunch 12:00 to 16:00

Stir-Fried Garlic & Lime sandwich
Brined Apricot & Basil Beef sandwich
Baked Rosemary Bear sandwich
Basted Garlic Crab sandwich
Date Fruit Salad
Shallow-Fried Raspberry & Peanut Beef Salad
Stewed Hot & Sweet Salad
Stewed Parsnip & Pear
Hazelnut Steamed pudding
Apple pie
Mint and Chocolate Split
Coffee Strudel
Hot Drinks
Hot Coco (with whipped cream)
Various Tea
Coffee, espresso
Latte, cappuccino
Cold Drinks
Cold drinks uncarbonated
Cold drinks carbonated
Fruit juice

Dinner 16:00 to 20:00

Date Fruit Salad
Shallow-Fried Raspberry & Peanut Beef Salad
Stewed Hot & Sweet Salad
Stewed Parsnip & Pear
Main meal
Sautéed Lime Duck
Vampire Steak
Gentle-Fried Mushroom & Garlic Rice
Stewed Garlic & Ginger Chicken
Hazelnut Steamed pudding
Apple pie
Mint and Chocolate Split
Coffee Strudel
Cold Drinks
Cold drinks uncarbonated
Cold drinks carbonated
Fruit juice
Alcohol Drinks
Silver Bullet Beer
Crazy Moonshine
White/Red/Rosé wine
Evil Sherry


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Mar 16, 2022 04:03

Some editing stuff, I think you meant brick instead of brike, and smoking would be forbidden inside instead of outside.   It does look like you are still working on it. Why would noble vampires be there, is there a difference between them and common vampires, are they more humane, perhaps feeding from blood banks or relying on donors? Are the violent vampires also viewed as criminals in vampire society?   You have a good start, keep up the good work.

Feel free to stop by some of my WorldEmber articles if you want. My favorites are The Book of the Unquiet Dead, Outpost of the Moons, and The Emerald Hills. Feedback is always appreciated.
Mar 16, 2022 11:34 by Michael Chandra

I really like the concept here, and the article looks real nice. The wanted posters are a nice addition, and some of the menu items are hilarious!   Met prik is easy, but zonder prik is a bit hard to translate... You could go Carbonated/Uncarbonated cold drinks, perhaps.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Mar 29, 2022 15:30 by Bob O'Brien

I "liked" it when I showcased it, but it was worth coming back to leave a comment as well...   Nice work, though I wish we learned a bit more about the staff family. The rather extensive menu is mouth-watering.

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