Nevarro Author's page | World Anvil



J.S Ilarde | Member Since 4 Aug, 2022
2 Followers 3957 Page views 1 Likes

Greetings and thanks for checking out my profile!

I'm J.S Ilarde. I solely author the world of Calagon in my free time, If you can spare it please have a look at my articles and give me some criticism or questions about the world.

I'm hoping to someday develop the world into a fully interactable project, Be it a small game, A Dungeons & Dragons campaign, Or into mods for already existing games.

Interests & Hobbies

Favorite Music
Moonlight Sonata was one of the first pieces of music that made me feel a sense of dread and mystery, First hearing it's memorable tune playing Resident Evil and remembering how it made me feel, Be it because of the claustrophobic atmosphere of the game or the deep slow rhythm of the piece; I know if it were to have music for my world it would sound similar to this masterpiece.   Like The Wind
The most mysterious song on the internet also know as "Like The Wind" or "Blind The Wind" is a new-wave, post-punk song recorded sometime in the 80s, While I enjoy casually listening to it, The mystery and lore that surrounds the piece definitely helps in it's storytelling. Not only is speculation surrounded within the origin but also the lyrics as there are barely any clear words that are sung throughout.

Favorite Books

The King in Yellow
Probably one of the book that inspired most of my worldbuilding, The fact that there may or may not be some kind of antagonistic prescence that's controlling everything that happens during an adventure - Continously driving you made and making you think what the story is really about, The deeply embedded thought that perpetuates through society that simply reading the book will drive you mad.   House of Leaves
The ideas of the book remain elusive to me as it seems that you could depict it in many ways, I've always enjoyed the sort of ambiguity you can receive from such works as it leaves you thinking even after you've finished going through it.   Lovecraft Mythos
What's there to say about his mythos other than it's specifically made to show what the unexplainable or unknowable really could be, Simply by the way he named his characters with almost impossible to say pronunciations and in the way that they're described remains ambiguous.   Lord of The Rings
Very different from my other inputs are the works of Tolkien, Where the main story rides off the world he's built where a single character/object/area could branch off into more fleshed out lore. Taking the blue wizards for example wherein they're not directly tied to the main story itself but lends to the fact that there are things happening outside of Middle-Earth which just makes it feel that more lived-in and alive.

Favorite Games

One of the more recent games I've played at the time of writing where I've truly felt a sense of mystery and ambiguity when it comes to it's story. Based heavily on the Silent Hill atmosphere and The King in Yellow's lore it made me feel confused about it's world yet somehow still managing to piece things together in an abstract mosaic of what-ifs and speculation.