Vexey Author's page | World Anvil



Ava/Vex, the Vexing Violet Villainess~ | Member Since 2 Jun, 2019
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When I think of reflections, I almost immediately jump to the idea of the dark reflection, showing the worst parts of yourself. Even when I look in an actual mirror I more often than not hate what I see... But then I think of the moon, where I see for me a greater beauty than the blinding sun, a reflection greater than its origin. My days may be filled with pain of one form or another, I may see my reflection in glass or in others' reactions, but in night I find a kind cool embrace

So I'm not very good at explaining things in an effective way. That's why I'm trying to write stories, to share my thoughts in hopes they are understandable. Half the time I don't even understand myself in the moment, but at least I figure it out eventually(Even if I feel like I'm years behind schedule lol). What I am trying to say is I'm already awful at coherently explaining even the smallest things sometimes, so trying to write even a small biography is its own nightmare. So hopefully this works.

Interests & Hobbies

Being Super Gay, Existing(Variable on the time of day, the alignment of the stars, and caffeine)

Favorite Movies

Polar Express, The Mitchells vs The Machines, Spider Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, etc.

Favorite TV Series

Owl House, Amphibia, Gravity Falls, RWBY, etc.

Favorite Books

Delvers LLC, Luck Stat Strategy, Kingdom Keepers, "Pirates, Crooks & Killers: The Dark Side of the Great Lakes", etc.

Favorite Writers

Blaise Corvin

Favorite Games

Door Kickers(1&2), HOI4, Ck3, Overwatch, Creeper World 4, etc.