drunkenpanda951's WorldEmber 2022 - 16/ 24 prompts completed | World Anvil

drunkenpanda951 Progress Report

Feel free to stop by some of my WorldEmber articles if you want. My favorites are The Book of the Unquiet Dead, Outpost of the Moons, and The Emerald Hills. Feedback is always appreciated.

drunkenpanda951 Progress so far

10433 words 104.33% completed!

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Premier League

Interests & Hobbies

3D printing, painting minis, hiking when i can. DragonCon.

Favorite Movies

Swordfish, Stargate, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, MCU, Studio Ghibli

Favorite TV Series

Stargate SG-1, A:TLA, Darker Than Black, DBZ, One Punch Man, Star Trek, various anime and sci-fi shows. also, most of Food Network.

Favorite Books

Waaaaaaaaaaaay to many to list, sci-fi and fantasy. Currently on a Will Wight kick because i got to talk with him for 3 hours at DragonCon earlier this month and he seems like a genuinely cool guy. In general, its safe to assume that if and Author is listed in my favorites, I can probably talk at least in passing about most of their work.

Favorite Writers

Drew Hayes, Patrick Rothfuss, Will Wight, Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson, Frank Herbert, R.A Salvatore, Jim Butcher, Brent Weeks, Raymond Feist, Michael J. Sullivan, Jay Kristoff, V.E Schwab, Neil Gaiman, and more, many many more.

Favorite Games

Mass Effect. Final Fantasy (VI, IX, VII, XII, X in that order) Fire Emblem (GBA over the new stuff, but the newer stuff is still good) Legend of Zelda, Baldur's Gate 2/3, Civilization, Xcom 2. Also Superfight, Risk, D&D/Pathfinder and Scrabble.

Latest Loved work

Low Man's Dance

Magical DNA in Inanimals

Occupational March: A Contest All About Jobs


Side Quest: Ducky Delivery

Gordon Quackers III

Owner's Implant