Sovereign Warriors 1: Tapestry of Chains by Chriscliff | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

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Sovereign Warriors 1: Tapestry of Chains

Ongoing 5964 2 0 181704

To combat the lords of Hell, three mortals with souls of angels were called by fate, Yet five more unchosen rose to meet the challenge. Who are the weakest links? Who will bend, and who will break?
  A vengeful zealot fueled and burned by the fires of divine war.
  A pair of cunning magicians expelled from lofty lives for their inner darkness.
  A betrayed guardian torn from sanctuary and family.
  A scarred hunter ripped from home to be carved by sand and steel.
  A worldly nomad following the wind’s whisper.
  A forsaken killer reborn in flame and frost.
  An ambitious mage seeking adventure and glory to fill a broken heart.
  Will the mettle of these warriors prove strong enough to hold fast against the forces seeking to rend the world asunder? Will the chains of fate prove themselves unbreakable?
  (Anyone can view the preface and message to the beta readers, as well as the prologue. Anyone who wishes to become a beta reader can by leaving a comment saying so)