Abatis artisan Profession in 13 | World Anvil
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Abatis artisan

favourite of swamp and forest hobgoblins, the abatis is a nasty defence method. They ravage the trees around their base or force them to grow in unnatural positions with magic. They then sharpen the top of the branches, sometimes adding poisons to them.   Getting through requires large amounts of alchemist's fire or a good evoker wizard. It may take days, particularly if the hobgoblins used live trees or fire-retardants, but it is worth the wait over crossing that damned hell. Countless lives have been lost to the hobgoblins' abatis.
Hagne, dwarven war historian
Labourers in hobgoblin society are low in rank, their militaristic deeming them worth less than soldiers due to their inability to perform combat to their high standards. Within labourers, however, abatis artisans have a high rank. The more complicated, sadistic, and effective their abatis is, the higher the praise amongst the other labourers.   Druids make some of the best abatis, and their magic can highly increase the effectiveness of abatis by creating them out of alife trees and enchanting them to create a variety of effects:  
  • Maddening abatis: enemies are compelled to advance through the abatis
  • Trapping branches: once enemies are within the abatis, branches close behind them, impeding retreat
  • Antiflame: treated to become ironwood, the wood no longer burns
  • Snake sticks: transform some of the branches into snakes
  This often means war leaders are keen to demote druids if they do not absolutely excel in combat.
Grulgik Flailears. You are demoted for falling in combat before any of your enemies. What good are your druidic powers if you cannot kill people with them before they kill you!? Get out of my sight.
— Hallu Flailears, chief of the assault force

Deploying in game

During their travels, the PCs will pass through a zone ruled by hobgoblins. If they investigate, they will find themselves tangled and attack by hidden sentries.
In-game read aloud
Life in the river is abated, and the trees are growing sparser to your right. A large mangrove channel opens up to the right, but it is soon blocked with trees, roots or branches emerging from the river at a 45-degree angle, effectively blocking the channel.

A good abatis is a bloodied abatis.
— Hobgoblin saying


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Oct 13, 2021 19:50 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I like that the abatis are so useful in hobgoblin culture. The oens with extra effects sound particularly nasty. D:

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet