Sharim Settlement in 13 | World Anvil
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The small city where every magical item finds its way to eventually

An invisible stalker slinks himself through the military camp built on the polar opposite of the island (or rock, as some call it) where the city of Astura was founded upon. He gets to the area where the leaders are discussing their options, just in time to overhear a key detail.  
    ☙ Our best option may also be the least advisable one...
    ⚘ Are you going to tell me, or do we have to wait to get more of our soldiers' brains out before you spit it out?
    ☙ Sharim.
    ⚘ Sharim?! Are you out of your mind!? Do you even know for real if that place exists!?
    ☙ I have it on good authority it does. Think about it, they have loads of magic items, enough to load our soldiers with them.
    ⚘ If it is even real, sure, they do. And why on all the planes of existence would they give us those items?
    ☙ Because we'll promise them every single magic item the X have been cooking up for this war. They have been hard at work cooking up necromantic items that we have never seen before.
  Before the invisible stalker hears how they plan to contact the city of mercanes, the sounds of alarm drown the conversation. He doesn't wait to find out if he has been found out, or if it was someone else. He starts fleeing as fast as possible. This information could change the tide of the war. It must not die with him.
Sharim is a small city, permanently riding the six winds governing the Plane of Air. The city's inhabitants are primarily mercanes, although a few mephits and invisible stalkers loyal to the mercanes have permanent residence there.
Sharim is known, though commonly believed to be a myth, to be the city with the highest amount of magical items per capita in the world. While mercanes are known to be traders of magical items, few know the truths of Sharim.
A great many libraries exist in Sharim. One for each type of magical item category. Each magical item that falls in the hands of mercanes is archived in these libraries. Items which are already catalogued go into banks for safekeeping until a sale of magical items is necessary. Whether mercanes hold one or hundreds of magical artifact is dependent on whether the item is commonly or uncommonly traded (and thus whether they may be asked to provide it for their customers).
Given the large number of magical items, Sharim is the city that every great interplanar thief dreams of and aspires to rob. This is why the city is constantly on the move, protected by a myriad of spells, and very, very hard to contact. However, anyone with access to a mercane's secret chest and a good enough proposition, could find a magical invitation to be teleported in and out of the city.

Mercane's Secret

What happens to all the items the mercanes don't catalogue, save up, or trade is unknown to all but the mercanes, and those who have attained high ranks in their society.   Mercanes require large amounts of power stored in magical items to procreate. Every item that is deemed "disposable" is used for procreation. Not all items are worth the same to a mercane however.   Superstition dictates that rarer and more powerful items will yield children of equally extraordinary capacities. Thus, mercane society is in constant bickering about whether items can be destroyed, and if so, who will receive the power.

Cover image: by Roger Dean


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