Terse Talks Military Conflict in 13 | World Anvil
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Terse Talks

After the fires raged large areas of Oceasile as a consequence of the tengus, the whole continent was on edge. The elven people were furious. The intelligent magical creatures, particularly the plants, were furious. And the tengus, who had lost many casualties and their homes, were at an impasse, unaware of what was simmering in the pot.   Because if there was something that the elven people and the plants had, was time. Their longer lifespans meant that for a long time, the tengus were not aware that a war was brewing on the surface. Meanwhile, their new, unannounced enemies plotted their revenge.   Although the conflict at large simmered throughout the continent, and outbursts of violence and clashes happened throughout, the Terse clashes focus on the lower northern part of Oceasile.  

The seed of an idea

Juyurdurlu Taarl, elven bard and witch, had what he deemed was a brilliant idea. It had been a year since the fires, and vegetation was green and thick everywhere that had been burnt. Finding tengus would be near impossible soon, as the forest they had burnt regenerated, and so would their means of escape once they realized what the elves were planning. What if they were to permanently cut the access of tengus to the seaside in the region? No more woodlands for them to hop from rainforest to rainforest.   Juyurdurlu Taarl's idea was seen as mad. Curtail what the gods built? As if the green men were not angry enough, now he wanted to put a stop to the forest? He would be condemning the region to a perpetual state of barrenness. No one agreed to his plan. But as the months passed and no better plans were formed, Juyurdurlu Taarl took another stab at it.  

Masterful talks

He went to talk with the green men by himself with a handful of his allies, including the incredible druid Tari Taarl-mani. She had the power to make his vision possible.   Juyurdurlu Taarl sold them his plan. None of the rainforests would be touched. Even that which had been burned would be allowed to grow back. But it would be beneficial for both the trees and the elven people if the tengus were locked in place before their assault. Juyurdurlu Taarl maneuvered the terse discussions in which much was said with little words, and came out victorious, having reached an agreement with the green men.   Upon return to his clan, a group fiercely opposed his choices, but he got them, and later on the rest of the clans, to agree to what was, just a few months ago, labelled as a terrible plan.    


The aftermath of this conflict is many-fold. On the lower northern part of Oceasile, it meant the creation of the Terse desert.   The group that opposed Juyurdurlu Taarl's plan went on to become the secret lore keepers of what happened in the region.

Cover image: by Stefan Keller


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