Mazariin Tuvetovna Travel Log #1 Document in World Behind the Veil | World Anvil

Mazariin Tuvetovna Travel Log #1

Mazariin has traveled to the moutains many times. Each time she writes a new travel log. Though none of them show as much excitement as the first one. She learned to keep her emotions out of the writing as she got used to the beautiful and astonishing sights on the mountains.  
I convinced my brother to fly me to the mountain in the sky. His plane is not big but it should be fine. The compass shows us exactly where we need to go. He does not seem to understand my excitement, but how can I be not excited!? There is a mountain in the sky above the Adirondack Mountains! We start tomorrow morning.
— Mazariins Travel Log, Day 0.
We made it. It was quite nerve wrecking. The thunderstorms are constant. I think we were already hit by lightning once. Not sure how much lightning the plane can hold. My brother thinks it will be fine. They are built for that. But are they really?
— Mazariins Travel Log, Day 1 - 12:30
We just barely escaped one of these thunder birds. They seem very smart and can generate some kind of lightning attack. Its like a Pokemon world here. I hope we don't meet any more of them. My brother definitely looks a bit worried. He always glances on all the status lights and devices but tires to hide it from me.
— Mazariins Travel Log, Day 1 - 15:15
I saw a small settlement. There seem to be people living on this mountain. How can there be people on a floating mountain? Though I can only see the buildings and not the actual people. So maybe they used to live here, but the buildings look way too nice for that.
— Mazariins Travel Log, Day 1 - 17:30
My brother tells me that we have to return and I agree. We are running low on fuel and there is no place to land on this mountain. We will have to return with something that can land here. Or maybe we can jump out of the plane? But then how do we get back?
— Mazariins Travel Log, Day 1 - 20:10

Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin


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Aug 21, 2022 22:49

I liked the way you have organized the article, easy to read and with an interesting story :)

Aug 22, 2022 08:59

Thank you! I am pretty happy with the base I have here yeah. Will hopefully get around to expanding on it after the embargo!

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