Stilholn Elksopod Species in A Quiet Realm - Prostesa | World Anvil

Stilholn Elksopod

"They're hideous but goddamn if they aren't the most useful thing in this shitty forest!" 
In the depths of Stilholn Forest, untold horrors await you. Whether it is a territorial, probably-prehistoric bird or an oversized centipede, most sane folk tend to steer clear of the forest. However, there are those that can’t leave whether due to being lost or being an inhabitant. Inhabitants are far more lucky, understanding the nuances of Stilholn Forest and how to best survive in an unforgiving environment.   The Stilholn Elksopod could be considered an abomination to those that aren’t familiar with Stilholian biology—in that nothing makes any logical sense—but natives see it as a traveler’s best friend. Seeing one Elksopod means seeing a group, as they are social creatures and dislike isolation.   The Stilholn Elksopod is a gargantuan isopod with a proud and grand pair of antlers resembling those on an elk. These creatures are generally docile and slow-moving. They are just slow enough and just large enough for some of the more adventurous types to build relatively tiny houses on their backs. The Stilholn Elksopod is a behemoth when it comes to hauling and carrying objects. It is strong enough to carry at least five times its own body weight, making it particularly dangerous when provoked.   When an Elksopod is provoked, it attacks with its antlers. These antlers are barbed at the edges and inflict a potent venom when brushed up against. The venom from these antlers cause swelling and intense itching but are generally not fatal to those with healthy immune systems.   Despite their extensive use and interaction with mankind, they are not considered domesticated creatures. They prefer to leave and be left alone if possible but can form emotional bonds with those that ride on their backs.
Geographic Distribution


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