Forgotten Woods Geographic Location in Aesleiven | World Anvil
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Forgotten Woods

Tales tell of the Forgotten Woods, named not for lack of knowledge or remembrance of location, but for the effects the woods have on travelers passing through.   Many attempts have been made to take note of the various species of animal and plant life within these woods, however all who attempt to embark on such a venture do not return as they left, and as such; not many varieties have been documented from these Woods. The canopy of this place has an adverse affect on those who venture through; memories formed prior to traveling through vanish, and only memories formed that same day will remain. Upon leaving, travelers will be able to form new memories, however, will not remember any prior.   Of the various trees; the most common is the slumber-pine, identifiable from other variants of pine trees by the dark blue tinge to their needles. Both the needles and the lumber from this tree have sedating properties, highly valued in various trades and professions. Fungi grow throughout the forest, with common variants appearing throughout the woods; the most prominent of the fungi native to the Forgotten Woods is the Nightcap Mushroom, prominent for its glowing light blue gills on the underside of its cap.   Creatures are thought either to be elusive in these woods in the best circumstances or not to exist there at all. So far only one creature has been documented from the Forgotten Woods however it’s existence has been disputed, as the only documentation recording it has been from a logbook of a traveler.
Upon waking from a slumber. I saw, grazing just beyond the nearest patch of shrubbery, a stag, twice as tall as any other i’d seen, with a luminosity surrounding its horns; and what appeared to be a completely smooth head, with no eyes or sockets at all. Although the creature lacked eyes, whilst grazing I could feel it watching me, sensing my presence. I moved only slightly to get a better look, and it left in a jolt; however made no sound and did not disturb the undergrowth where it’s hooves landed.
 -Excerpt from "Fantastical Fauna and Floral Fascinations"

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