Aurochs Species in Aestus | World Anvil
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A species native to Penea, the aurochs has a history of being used in husbandry, warfare as well as having a large cultural significance to the region. This creature has been domesticated and used for hundreds of years, starting in Penea before being exported and bred in other nations for their usefulness. The aurochs is a large beast towering well over a human ranging from 10' to 16' tall. In addition to this, they are quite strong and are often used for pulling carts and farm equipment. In the past, some of the Penean tribes to the east would ride them into battle, outfitting them with armor and wielding great spears against their foes. Some would even craft helms bearing their horns for use in intimidation, though with their great size it is argued they would be too unwieldy to use in actual combat.   In Penea, it used to be a practice to attempt to ride and tame a wild aurochs for a specified amount of time to prove oneself. For many tribes it would be a right of passage to do so. In the past a legend was told that the original founder of the old empire, King Eadroch took on this challenge when put to the test to prove his divine right to rule. It is said that he conquered and forced it into submission in record time without breaking a sweat.   Now, this practice has been phased out, as many Peneans see the practice as cruel to the Aurochs in addition to there being few undomesticated beasts of its kind seen roaming the savanna, the majority of them being already used and trained for other purposes. There are many laws that have forbidden this passed in the empire, as well as other laws specifically in Penea forbidding hunting of Aurochs or for eating their meat as it is seen as a sacred creature. Aurochs breeders are considered to be a very important part of Penean society as they often export them to other nations.

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