Blurge Species in Afira | World Anvil


I couldn't have done it without one of these things
— City Planner
With the head no larger than a man’s, but a body the size of a mammoth’s, blurges are one of the stranger products of creation.  


  The most shocking feature of the blurge is the massive scale of its arms in relation to its head and legs. While a blurge arms can life a carriage full of lords and ladies, horses and all, their legs are no wider than a child's arm. Consequentially they use their arms as their primary mode of transportation, and can use no more than one of them without space to brace itself.  

Gentle Giants

  Although blurges are mighty beasts they are for the most part kind creatures. They have deep appreciation for beauty and uses its legs to handle such objects with great care. In the wild they form complex social structures, with a hierarchy of rulers and positions. The blurges reputational as a brutal killer comes from how they behave when forced into servitude, although they have sub-human inelegance, they still have emotion, no one likes living in a cage. A captive blurge creates trouble at every opportunity, smarter ones are known to have organized rebellions of a sort breaking free from their captures and wreaking havoc on the nearby area.  


  Fringe groups in the north have started a movement to end the use of blurge and to recognize them as intelligent and independent beings (which they are), given how much the north relies on them as beasts of burden, their demands for justice are for the most part waved away, the movement is getting harder to ignore and has collected many funders among the noble families of the north.