The Vesania Expanse Geographic Location in Akara | World Anvil
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The Vesania Expanse

In the middle of the Bel Nari, the Vesania expanse stretches almost the whole continent's length but doesn't quite touch the shores. You may wonder why such a large section of land remains untouched. But anyone from the neighboring kingdoms would tell you that if you stay in the expanse for too long, the madness of the gods will take over and you'll never be seen again. Whether or not that's true is anyone's guess. Well, except for maybe the Amentia teams, but they never speak of their expeditions into the expanse. All anyone knows is that the expanse is always changing, and it's never the same twice.


The Vesania Expanse has taken many forms since before era. Forests, deserts, jungles, and swamps are just a few of the climates it has been. With each change the layout of the expanse changes making it difficult to navigate.

Localized Phenomena

It is has been seen by many that every 12 hours, right at dusk and dawn the environment changes from one biome to another. Because of the way the landscape changes, it’s almost impossible for people to get back out of the expanse once it changes.

Natural Resources

The expanse it’s filled with flourishing resources that are constantly growing and changing. Healing herbs, rare ores, wood, and animals to hunt are all typical resources one could find in the expanse. Because of the dangerous nature of the expanse, most kingdoms put together specialized teams, the Amentia teams, to go in and gather whatever they can with in the 12 hour limit each day.


The history of the Vesania expanse is shrouded in rumors of Amentia the god of Madness. It has been said that he lost a love there and his tears created the expanse. It has also been said that there is something older than the gods and Amentia created the Vesania to protect it. One rumor even says that it’s where he first came through the veil and his very touch rendered the land to madness. All the rumors lead to him becoming the creator of it and none seem to question it.
Inhabiting Species
Related Myths


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