Nakalee Khabar Character in Alana | World Anvil

Nakalee Khabar

Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
Between the rocks, the stream of life teeters on the edge.
Turning on its side, twirling, then twirling some more.
-- Nakalee Khabar
  Nakalee Khabar is one of the most well-known bards of Calika, and she is renowned for her exceptional wordplay, singing, dancing, and instrument-playing abilities. When she performs at festivals, everyone in the audience is expecting her to make fun of the monarch or the local aristocracy. The people who were laughing the loudest subsequently find out that they were the ones who were ridiculed the most.   Her travels usually lead her into every corner of Calika, but she has also visited major cities and festivals in the neighbouring countries of Boranga, Shirki, and Trendelika.   The bard's performances include classic melodies and songs about current events or people, and she performs with the lute to accompany her vocals on stage. In her passionate dances, the tambourine is the instrument of choice for the performer. She adds a little spice to everything by using subtle magical effects.
by Tillerz

Faerie Trees
When Nakalee was seven years old and playing in the woods, she was intrigued by a dazzloncat, followed her and discovered an entrance to Mag Mell, the Realm of the Fae. Borin "Buck" Foodfollow spotted her, when she fell face-first from the portal right into a half-dry riverbed and tended her grazed hands and knees. Realizing this was a different place, bright Nakalee peppered him with questions which he answered patiently. Nakalee came back to the Realm almost every day and gained more knowledge about it and made friends with almost all its inhabitants.  
Summer Court icon
Summer Court
The pixies of the Summer Court were drawn to Nakalee because she was always thinking of new ways to enhance the games they were playing and because she had the ability to make up tales about anybody and anything on the spot. They taught her how to sing and dance, as well as how to increase the quality and strength of her words, and how to enrich her presentation with small magical tricks. Nakalee was only fourteen when she could beat every pixie in a battle of words or singing competition.  
Snowy Mountains
Winter Court icon
Winter Court
Titania herself sent her in the direction of the fauns of the Winter Court, who had perfected the art of performing with musical instruments. During her stay, Nakalee learned to play a variety of instruments, including the lute and the tambourine. The fauns also taught her how to control the emotions of a listening audience or how to tease someone in such a manner that he did not know he was being mocked until long later after the performance was over. When she demonstrated that she could compete with the greatest faun musicians and make everyone cry or squirm with laughter, the court awarded her the lute and tambourine she had been practising with for the last couple of years. Both of these items are magical instruments.   Nakalee was obsessed with honing her performing talents, and she sought Ban's advice on how to learn all about riddles. Detrius and Granny Poxnose educated her in history and culture, while the three Smooches taught her all she needed to know about love and relationships.  
Shadow Court icon
Shadow Court
Dead Forest with Spiders
When Nakalee encountered the three musicians Yoshi, Naoki, and Banri in the southern part of Mag Mell, she was still dissatisfied with her own ability to perform. The three informed her about great skills and even exhibited some of them, but they were deafeningly silent about the price that would be paid in exchange for this knowledge. The bard could not hold back her desire to learn these talents, so she was brought deep into an area of Mag Mell that seemed to be corrupted and gloomy, with trees that were sick and dripping with a dark fluid, and where no birds could be heard singing. Nakalee spent her time reading through horrifying-looking books and performing rituals that left her fatigued and even caused her lose her sense of self. However, the power that the books gave was just too tempting to pass up. When she awoke one morning after many delirious nights, the three of them informed her that the task had been accomplished. Only now did the bard comprehend that she had been duped by the trickery of the Shadow Court and had entered into a bargain with the Spider Queen.  
Laughter and tears can be found in the same place in this life.
Our lives sing us to sleep, but they also keep us wide awake.
In this existence, there is both brightness and gloom.
Wounds come and go in this life, but there is also a healing balm.
-- Nakalee Khabar

The rituals performed in the Shadow Court did more than merely provide Nakalee with new abilities. In reality, the Spider Queen bonded Nakalee to her and readied her to absorb her tainted seed. After training as a warlock, Nakalee has been awarded power by the Spider Queen herself, as her otherworldly patron. Aside from that, the Queen is now caring for Nakalee's tainted kid that seems to be entirely human but is really half spider. As a result of her close relationship with her mother, the kid drains Nakalee's knowledge and strength on a regular basis, weakening her and compelling her to use Life Siphon on her audience in order to avoid imminent death.
Due to this bond, Nakalee is also aware of the horrifying events taking place in the Shadow Court, and she is plagued by dreadful dreams as a result.     Nakalee tried to get help from her Fae friends, but she has not seen or talked with her friends in many years as a result of the Spider Queen's intervention. The Fae, on the other hand, believe that the poet has just abandoned them in order to pursue her dream of becoming a celebrity.


"She is possessed by a demon." - half true: The permanent presence of her child and the Spider Queen in her mind can appear as a possession to others.
  "I saw her once transform in a spider and run up a wall." - half true: no one has seen her doing it as she did not do it, but someone sensitive to magic had a glimpse at her capability of climbing up walls and got confused.
  "I heard she got cursed and spreading bad luck where she goes." - half true: When casting Life Siphon, she brings harm to the people around her.
  "She is trying to seduce all our men." - false
"She just appears outside a city and vanishes as quick, no one has ever seen her traveling inbetween." - false: Being a celebrity, everyone invites her to travel on their waggon or cart or lets her eat and rest in their house.
  "Someone has seen her talk to a fae." - true: Indeed someone has seen Nakalee get in contact with a fae once, asking the fae for help. The fae never made it back to her people, though. The Spider Queen made sure of it.

Plot Hooks

Sweet child of mine - Nakalee is trying to find a way to get out of this deadly cycle, but she has not dared to talk to anyone about it yet. After a performance, she will collapse in front of the party when she couldn't get herself into using Life Syphon on the crowd. When the party helps her and is seriously worried about her, she will tell them about her condition and plead for help.   Killing the child she is connected to will not work, as the child will immediately pull all life from Nakalee to survive (we don't want this kind of thing to happen in our games anyway).  

Ice Dagger

Oberon of the Winter Court possesses an Ice Dagger, which does minimal damage but freezes the stabbed person immediately until removed again. Hint about this from Ban for solving a riddle.
weapon, unique, Winter Court

Water from the Origin

The river northeast of the Summer Court begins at the Origin, a sacred place of the Fae. A vial of Origin Water right from the spring where it is purest will disentangle the interwoven spirits of Nakalee, her child, and the Spider Queen. Hint about this from Granny Poxnose for doing several chores for her in Mag Mell.
potion, rare, Summer Court
  Possible encounters for this plot (5e: CR5 to CR8):  
  • The Origin is protected by three Water Elementals (5e: CR5).
  • Oberon's dagger is protected by a Rime Worm (5e: CR6) in the north of the Winter Court.
  • Yoshi, Naoki, and Banri will step in the way when the party enters the Shadow Realm. Fighting them should be similar to a dance, with the black goo that covers many areas of the valley making the ground slippery, vines pulling the players around, and the three musicians spreading apart before meeting again, all to the twisted sounds of instruments and hummed melodies that are actually physically painful to hear.
  • Several other creatures of the Shadow Realm may attack on the way to the child, which can be found wandering around outside of the Spider Queen's castle.
  • Finale: While the disentanglement is happening (which takes about an hour), two Hungry Ghosts (5e: CR8) will emerge and need to get destroyed.
  •   After a successful disentanglement, Nakalee is free from the connection to the child and also has no bond to the Spider Queen anymore, which makes her lose the related spells. She will also be unable to play the Spider Thread Lyre. After unfreezing the child, she will be disoriented for some minutes, but finally recognise her mother as such. The child also seems to be free from the Shadow Court's influence. Nakalee and her child, who is naming herself Orin, will leave together. If there is a need for the story to go on later: Orin may have a dark secret or the Spider Queen may want revenge.   In any case, the Spider Queen will not intervene, since she is preoccupied with other, more essential chores at the time.
      Map made by Tillerz using Gaea.

    Mini Map of Calika


    Bard (6), Warlock (4)

    9 (-1)14 (+2)8 (-1)12 (+1)16 (+3)18 (+4)
    DNDBeyond Sheet
    WA sheet: Nakalee Khabar
    Current Location
    Year of Birth
    2837 PB 28 Years old
    Current Residence
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    165 cm
    55 kg
    Elegant and flowery, using many words she adopted from the fae.
    She was raised by her farmer parants Samesh and Bhavna in the southwest of Calika. She comes to see them a couple of times a year and gives them a portion of her earnings. She has three younger sisters, Ela, Saira, and Yashica.


    A Cute Lute

    While playng the lute, the performing person gains a bonus to charisma checks.
    instrument, unique

    Throbbing Tambourine

    Tambourine or Tantan
    The sound of the tambourine pounding may change the heartbeat of anybody who is listening to it, changing their level of excitement or tranquillity, making it a useful tool for crowd control.
    instrument, unique

    Spider Thread Lyre

    This lyre was built at the Shadow Court. Its arms are fashioned of satyr horns, and its strings are composed of spider silk, which are too sticky to be played by just anybody. Even though it looks and sounds like a standard lyre, it has a dismal tone to it when it is played. People may experience feelings of anxiety, fear, or even panic.
    instrument, unique

      Nakalee has learned some unique spells from the Fae.  

    Turning the Tide

    The audience's mood is altered by this spell during a performance. It stacks up to three times on the same target and has a cooldown of 10 minutes before it can be used again. Within a few minutes of the performance ending, the magic wears off, a slight change of the mood may carry on for longer.
    spell, enchantment, area effect, Winter Court

    Life Siphon

    The caster pulls energy from a crowd to add it to their own. Only by creating an exciting and hot situation, like as a stirring bard performance that has everyone dancing, is it possible to conceal the target's abrupt fatigue. A target that is already weakened has a chance to faint or even die. It is possible for a target to faint or even die if they are already in a weakened state.
    spell, necromancy, area effect, Shadow Court
    Inspired by my WorldEmber 2021 article Mag Mell and

    Cover image: Nakalee by Tillerz
    Character Portrait image: Nakalee by Tillerz

    Nakalee Khabar

    10 Level (0/85000 XP for level-up) Entertainer Background human Race / Species / Heritage LG Alignment
    Level 6
    Hit Dice: 6/6
    1d8-1 Class 1
    Level 4
    Hit Dice: 4/4
    1d-1 Class 2

    Hit Points
    Initiative (DEX)
    Armor Class (AC)
    Prof. Bonus
    Speed (walk/run/fly)
    Spellcasting ...
    +3 Attack mod
    CON Ability
    +-1 Abi Mod
    11 Save DC
    +8 Expertise Bonus
    +4 Proficiency Bonus
    +2 Jack of all Trades
    +11 Strength
    +6 Dexterity
    -1 Constitution
    +1 Intelligence
    +3 Wisdom
    +8 Charisma
    saving throws
    +6 Acrobatics DEX
    +5 Animal Handling WIS
    +3 Arcana INT
    +1 Athletics STR
    +6 Deception CHA
    +9 History INT
    +7 Insight WIS
    +8 Intimidation CHA
    +3 Investigation INT
    +5 Medicine WIS
    +3 Nature INT
    +5 Perception WIS
    +12 Performance CHA
    +6 Persuasion CHA
    +3 Religion INT
    +4 Sleight of Hand DEX
    +4 Stealth DEX
    +5 Survival WIS
      Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type
    Sickle -1 STR 1d4-1-1 slashing
     Simple, Light, 5ft

    Spell Book


    Dancing Lights +8 1A 120 ft conc./1 min VSM
    Eldritch Blast +7 1A 120 ft instant 1d10 VS
     Notes:Two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level.
    Friends +7 1A self conc./1 min SM
    Infestation +7 1A 30 ft 1d6 VSM
     Notes:DC:CON, poison. The spell’s damage at each 5th level: 2d6 , 11th level: 3d6 , and 17th level: 4d6 .
    Minor Illusion +7 1A 30 ft 1 min SM
    Poison Spray +7 1A 10 ft inst. 1d12 VS
     Notes:CON:16. This spell's damage at 5th level: 2d12 , 11th level: 3d12 , and 17th level: 4d12 .
    Prestidigitation +8 1A 10 ft 1 h VS
    Thunderclap +8 1A 5 ft inst. 1d6 S
     Notes:DC:CON. This spell's damage at 5th level: 2d6 , 11th level: 3d6 , and 17th level: 4d6 .
    Vicious Mockery +7 1A 60 ft inst. 1d4 V
     Notes:DC:WIS. This spell's damage at 5th level: 2d4 , 11th level: 3d4 , and 17th level: 4d4 .

    Level 1 Spells 4 slots

    Turning the Tide +3 1 min 60 ft 10 min VS
     Notes:The audience's mood is altered by this spell during a performance. It stacks up to three times on the same target and has a cooldown of 10 minutes before it can be used again. Within a few minutes of the performance ending, the magic wears off, a slight change of the mood may carry on for longer.
    Cause Fear +7 1A 60 ft 1 min V
     Notes:DC:WIS. +1 target per level above 1.
    Charm Person +8 1A 30 ft 1 h CS
     Notes:DC:WIS. +1 target per level above 1.
    Command +8 1A 60 ft 1 rnd V
    Comprehend Languages +7 1A self 1 h VSM
    Detect Magic +7 1A self 10 min VS
    Faerie Fire +7 1A 60 ft 1 min V
    Speak with Animals +8 1A self 10 min CS

    Level 2 Spells 5 slots

    Life Siphon +7 instant 30 ft instant 1d4 VS
     Notes:The caster pulls energy from a crowd to add it to their own. Only by creating an exciting and hot situation, like as a stirring bard performance that has everyone dancing, is it possible to conceal the target's abrupt fatigue. A target that is already weakened has a chance to faint or even die. It is possible for a target to faint or even die if they are already in a weakened state.
    Cause Fear +7 1A 60 ft 1 min V
     Notes:DC:WIS. +1 target per level above 1.
    Charm Person +8 1A 30 ft 1 h CS
     Notes:DC:WIS. +1 target per level above 1.
    Borrowed Knowledge +8 1A self 1 h VSM
    Calm Emotions +8 1A 60 ft 1 min VS
    Crown of Madness +7 1A 120 ft 1 min VS
    Detect Thoughts +8 1A self 1 min VSM
    Enthrall +8 1A 60 ft 1 min VS
    Gift of Gab +8 1R self inst. VSMR
    Misty Step +8 1BA self inst. V
    Spider Climb +7 1A touch 1 h VSM
    Suggestion +8 1A 30 ft 8 h VM

    Level 3 Spells 3 slots

    Life Siphon +7 instant 30 ft instant 1d4 + VS
     Notes:The caster pulls energy from a crowd to add it to their own. Only by creating an exciting and hot situation, like as a stirring bard performance that has everyone dancing, is it possible to conceal the target's abrupt fatigue. A target that is already weakened has a chance to faint or even die. It is possible for a target to faint or even die if they are already in a weakened state.
    Cause Fear +7 1A 60 ft 1 min V
     Notes:DC:WIS. +1 target per level above 1.
    Charm Person +8 1A 30 ft 1 h CS
     Notes:DC:WIS. +1 target per level above 1.
    Hypnotic Pattern +8 1A 120 ft conc./1 m SM
    Motivational Speech +8 1A 60 ft 1 h V
     Notes:5 temp. HP
    Clothes, Costume, Disguise Kit

    Equipment Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 0, Platinum: 0 Money
    Light Armor
    Crossbow, Hand, Longsword, Rapier, Shortsword, Simple Weapons
    Birdpipes, Disguise Kit, Lute, Pan Flute, Tantan
    Common, Sylvan

    Languages & Proficiencies
    Whenever I come to a new place, I collect local rumors and spread gossip. I know a story relevant to almost every situation.
    Ideals: Beauty. When I perform, I make the world better than it was. (Good)
    Bonds: My instrument is my most treasured possession, and it reminds me of someone I love. I will do anything to prove myself superior to everyone else.
    Flaws: I once satirized a noble who still wants my head. It was a mistake that I will likely repeat.

    Personality Traits
    Feature: By Popular Demand

    You can always find a place to perform, usually in an inn or tavern but possibly with a circus, at a theater, or even in a noble’s court. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.


    ™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
    To print this sheet: Expand the spell book (if you have any entries there), then click "Print Sheet" at the top, select "Print to PDF" and format A3. Then print the resulting PDF to whichever format you need with "fit to page" selected.


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Jan 18, 2022 15:08

    Great read! Nice how you managed to tie it to some of the world ember articles :) Making fun of someone without them knowing seems like a useful skill to have xp

    Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
    Feb 7, 2022 19:24 by Tillerz

    Thanks. :) This article also made me add more things to the Magh Mell map, which (the things) I will expand to full articles hopefully soon.

    Jan 20, 2022 14:01

    Great article. I really like the backstory of being in the fae lands, learning new magic, and then the corruption of The Spider Queen.   Also I like the plot hooks and the chance to have adventures. A well deserved Like.   Aemon

    Feb 7, 2022 19:26 by Tillerz

    Thank you! Added a few more bits now.

    Jan 20, 2022 15:12 by A

    A great and well-done character! I really like the differences in the background chapter (curious beginnings to bad endings-kind off) and the plot hook that you give to GMs.

    Worldkeymaster, also known as A of Worldkeymaster.
    You are welcome to explore Nimenra, a world in conflict between Humans and Demons.
    My summer camp articles and half-finished pledge document: Summer Camp 2022
    Feb 7, 2022 19:27 by Tillerz

    Sadly I have only one plothook, can't think of any more right now, but there will be at some point.

    Jan 20, 2022 17:24 by K.S. Bishoff

    Awesome! Ok, I am sooo jealous! you squeezed in a map!

    Come vist my worlds
    Jan 22, 2022 14:46 by Tillerz

    Changed it now to a snapshot of the area because those map embeds apparently slow down the page a lot. But that also made me create a version of the map with all labels nicely placed. :)

    Feb 3, 2022 08:53 by Bart Weergang

    Oh I saw an earlier version of this, but you expended it quite a bit! Loads of cool details all around. I'm not a 'player' but I'm always intreeged by your secrets and plots, they give way for so many interpertations and ideas about what might happen.

    Feb 7, 2022 19:27 by Tillerz

    Thanks! Also added some rumours now.

    Feb 6, 2022 06:10

    I really like that your bard has this secret and that her drive is what pushed her into a bad situation. I love that she is a complex character.

    - Hello from Valayo! Featured work: How to Write Great Competition Articles
    Feb 7, 2022 19:28 by Tillerz

    Sometimes you are who you are because you must!

    Feb 7, 2022 13:20 by Jaime Buckley

    Amazing Tillers. I loved it---and I watched the video also....which I rarely if ever do.   Well done my friend. Excellent work!

    Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
    Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
    Feb 7, 2022 19:29 by Tillerz

    Thanks a lot! The movie the music comes from is really sad.

    Feb 11, 2022 14:32 by Jaime Buckley

    I think it's the American in me, but I have never been able to take a movie from Bollywood seriously.

    Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
    Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
    Feb 11, 2022 19:22 by Tillerz

    This movie is different.

    Feb 7, 2022 14:50 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    Nice character! "I once satirized a noble who still wants my head. It was a mistake that I will likely repeat." XD What happened to her in the Shadow Land was horrible, it's nice that the plot is to help her!   Did she ever learn anything useful from the Shadow Lands, or was it all lies and deceptions in the end? (beyond getting the spider lyre)

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
    Feb 7, 2022 14:52 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    I forgot to say, I love the music you've added to the article! Does Nakalee sing and play a similar style or was your inspiration more for the character than the music?

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
    Feb 7, 2022 19:36 by Tillerz

    She learned the custom Life Siphon spell and also quite some other spells (the ones listed with source warlock on the DNDBeyond sheet), but they are mostly not helping a bard (Spider Climb, Cause Fear, Poison Spray), but she got Minor Illusion and Vicious Mockery there, too, and those are helpful spells for a bard. :) But she paid a too high price for those.   And the linked music: that was my idea and also inspiration, yes. And Calika is my version of india, so it fits. :)

    Feb 9, 2022 23:36

    You use "as well as" twice in the same sentence, it may sound better as They taught her how to sing and dance, as well as how to increase the quality and strength of her words, AND how to enrich her presentation with small magical tricks."   All in all though such a great and compelling character. and you have TWO stats less than 10, which is AWESOME. And that isnt even mentioning the awesomeness that is your map of Mag Mell. Wonderful job. Articles like this are what I one day hope to achieve. I do question the Lawful good alignment somewhat with all the fae association and whole feeding on the audience thing. But i am nit-picking again. 10/10 ducks. A rating and like well deserved.

    Feel free to stop by some of my WorldEmber articles if you want. My favorites are The Book of the Unquiet Dead, Outpost of the Moons, and The Emerald Hills. Feedback is always appreciated.
    Feb 10, 2022 05:37 by Tillerz

    Thank you so much! And about the alignment... I make a difference between the inner values of a person and what they are forced into. She is forced into some things and hates it, but did not find any help yet or didn't dare to ask, as people's reactions might be ... unexpected, finding out she is "posessed".

    Feb 12, 2022 15:19

    Tillerz, it was a read I will remember for a while. I haven't seen something like this in the bard articles and damn I love the skill symbols in the style of stained glass. I wish I had your talent. I can imagine it would drive Nakalee mad when she can't break the cycle and the pact with the Spider Queen. Would love to hear more from her. :)

    You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
    Feb 12, 2022 18:33 by Tillerz

    Glad you liked it. :)

    Feb 15, 2022 22:24 by E. Christopher Clark

    That damn dirty Spider Queen!   Great work throughout. I loved, as always, seeing your Plot Hooks section (one I don't see as much because I'm focused on the writing side of things more than the TTRPG side) and really loved seeing a character sheet. That brought me back to my role-playing days.

    Now it's time for the awkward wave.
    Feb 18, 2022 08:40 by Tillerz

    Need to add moar plothooks so all the articles. :D

    Feb 17, 2022 23:44 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    Well that backstory about the Spider Queen is terrifying and horrifying. Poor Nakalee. I like the plot hook it brings, though!

    Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
    Feb 18, 2022 08:39 by Tillerz

    Roleplaying is all about creating conflicts, even for the NPCs. :)

    Feb 19, 2022 15:13 by Secere Laetes

    Cool. But what could I have expected? I think it's good to find an awesome bard NPC here, so to speak, who can be used for nastier adventures. Especially this combination, that she would like to get out of her relationship with the Spider Queen, but can't do it herself right now and is therefore forced to steal other people's lives in order to survive herself, is great. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the players find a good solution and not a tragic one.

    Feb 19, 2022 20:13 by Tillerz

    Glad you like it. :)

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