The Seat of Order Building / Landmark in Amma-Saeth | World Anvil
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The Seat of Order

In the heart of Isfa, rising from the seas of the Cunab Gulf and the Grand Promenade, is the Seat of Order. Currently occupied by the champion-king Illiam Castell, the Seat of Order requires more than a voice and a hand. It requires absolute adherence to the principles of order. Above the throne within the halls of the citadel rises a piece of Aven. It is an orb containing iridescent light that restructures those who approach. It grants clarity to those clouded in obscurity. It demands honesty as a light in the shroud of deceit. There is no wavering for moral questions, negligence of duty, or veering from the set path. The code is fixed, structured, and resolved.   The citadel was erected gradually upon the foundations where the late Chief, Illiam Castell, declared that the people had come far enough. Upon the location where he thrust his sword into the ground, Isfa would be born. Stone hauled from the river where exposed rock had been cut away was laid as a sturdy foundation. Forges bellowed as tools were made to fill every hand. While Isfa grew, Illiam Castell labored among them. It was he who laid the first stone of the Seat of Order.   As the stonework grew, a keep stood resolute. From every threat, the keep stood as a bastion where the people could flee. Piece by piece, the keep grew. Masons smoothed the coarse walls and embellished the regal features of the keep. Isfa began to grow around the keep, mimicking its appearance. Artisans began looking to the keep, imagining a Lord to walk among them. The keep would be expanded as the work of a citadel. White stones were carried from the lands mapward-east of Isfa in the Mired Teeth Mountains.   The keep transformed into a citadel, towering over the homes and markets below. Pointed arches and spires could be seen from the dockyards. Merchants from beyond the borders carried word of the people of Isfa. The citadel stood guard as Isfa surged in wealth. Trade welcomed new inventions, merchants, dignitaries, and treaties. Great halls filled to honor the first chief Illiam Castell, the late father of the champion-king. With wealth brought discontent and the foundations of Isfa would be tried.   Within the walls of the citadel, the blessings of the Seat of Order where not unnoticed. Many years passed while the Champion-King stood to rule. Beyond years, Illiam Castell retained his strength and his apparent youth. As such, the citadel represents a constant rise in Isfa. It is a simple of wealth, order, and protection. From the top of the citadel, the shores of the Cunab gulf can be seen as the people have spread from the capital. It is a beacon for any who wish to find peace. Under the watchful eyes of the Champion-King, so shall it remain.   Hundreds of Auditors (peace-keepers in Isfa), walk humbly through the halls. Captains discuss territorial disputes, emerging conflicts, and rumors of danger. While citadel exudes order, the people within bear an oppressive weight. In time, this weight continues to grow.   The citadel as it currently stands boasts hundreds of chambers where advisors and clergy work. They are connected to a circular hall that surrounds what is the great hall. Narrow doors allow entry into the great hall which stretches for nearly one-hundred fifty feet. At the end of the great hall is the steps of ascension. At the top of the stairs is a doorway flanked by two walkways that follow the length of the great hall. The height of the hall is sixty five feet, the width of which is forty feet. The platform stands at twenty five feet from the floor.   Beyond the door from the Steps of Ascension is the Seat of Order. Upon follows the final steps upward, the eyes of the Seat of Order open to the views of Isfa. The open windows permit the breeze to sweep over the decorated tiling. A throne sits at the top of the Seat of Order, though this throne is ceremonial or used when welcoming dignitaries. This place is called the "Seat of Order" due to the presence of a iridescent orb that shimmers brilliantly in the domed roof. In fact, it is the orb itself that is the "Seat of Order". It has remained there for hundreds of seasons. Few have experienced the communion that occurs between the Champion-King Illiam Castell and the Seat of Order, though it has preserved his life. Many believe that those who stand in the Seat of Order may receive everlasting life, though they are reluctant to admit that even Illiam Castell seems to show the wear of age. There are many that covet the position, willing to disrupt order to claim eternity.
Acropolis / Citadel


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