On the Expansion of Resources and Support to Non-Amnari Factions Document in Amnar | World Anvil

On the Expansion of Resources and Support to Non-Amnari Factions

In 4597 AA/SA, Senior Master Watcher Andiru returned from spending several years investigating the circumstances of various tribal groups and other peoples living on the fringes of the seven Amnari Bubbles. Over the course of this period, he wrote several letters and memos to the various Kadishcai-Capillai Guardians, suggesting that Amnar may have the resources to provide some basic medical support to these populations.

His work was largely ignored, although he had some success convincing Icaan and Anarya that this would be a valuable use of Amnari time and reources. Anarya in particular suggested he produce a white paper or research document, one which would win over the Guardian Defender and Guardian Watcher, who would be the final decision-makers in the process.

It took Andiru almost two years to put together a full scientific report, including data on the available resources. At the time, Watchers were increasingly available and able to work in shorter and shorter shifts covering the Line, providing Gap Support, and had expanded what they could offer to the general populations of the two other Systems, the Guild and Service. Many Amnari were increasingly curious about the populations beyond their borders, and wanted the opportunity to provide them with additional support. They had been blocked for the most part by Dai Inaar, who believed that the first and only priority for Amnari was the defence of the Gaps themselves.

Tishca's work to sanitise the Gap at Am Rune provided more freedom to Amnari who wished to explore and even live along and outside Amnari borders. Although she was not generally in favour of providing support to non-Amnari peoples, her work on the Gaps gave Andiru additional evidence that they could risk providing care without concerns that they might have to withdraw it should the Gaps all become active again.

It took Andiru almost two years to put together a full scientific report, including data on the available resources. At the time, Watchers were increasingly available and able to work in shorter and shorter shifts covering the Line, providing Gap Support, and had expanded what they could offer to the general populations of the two other Systems, the Guild and Service. Many Amnari were increasingly curious about the populations beyond their borders, and wanted the opportunity to provide them with additional support. They had been blocked for the most part by Dai Inaar, who believed that the first and only priority for Amnari was the defence of the Gaps themselves.

On the Expansion of Resources, a necessarily dry white paper, was initially only published on the Nas Iscan central Amnet. It proved to be so popular that it was quickly released in Amin Duum. Despite provoking a groundswell of support from a wide range of Ta Dasi and members of the Guild and Service Systems, it was another three years before Andiru would be able to establish a test clinic at Reinkäyl, close to the Beshi Almady Tagluk.

Report, Scientific


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