Rienni Character in Ancaepya | World Anvil
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Queen Rienni -o Thalor (a.k.a. Rienni the Fair)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rienni was born into an influential Eladrin family in the city of Yao Thalor. Her parents were both powerful mages and had a lot of say in the local governance. At this point, the Eladrin Plains were a disconnected group of cities, towns, and villages which coexisted mostly peacefully. She spent most of her childhood and adolescence in Yao Thalor, learning magic and governance from her parents.
Her early adulthood was marked by several journeys into the Deep Feywild and beyond. She traveled to live with a tribe of pixies for a few decades and at a later point journeyed through the Nexus onto a world in the material plane. She adventured and learned much, before returning to Yao Thalor to help govern the city and assist her parents. It seemed she would follow in their footsteps and become an important and respected local figure in the Feywild, but then the great Ogre invasion happened.
A warlord, Thrumesh the Hard-Willed, had managed to unite the Ogre tribes in the northern mountains. They had subjugated a large amount of Goblins and Orcs who lived in the mountains too and gathered a massive army to march south into the Eladrin Planes intending to conquer the area. Skirmishes between the Eladrin and their aggressive northern neighbours were not uncommon, but an invasion of this scale had not happened in tens of thousands of years.
Rienni enlisted in Yao Thalor's army, which was commanded by her mother. They marched north to meet the Ogres in the field, but the army was defeated, scattered, and their leader was slain. As the largest and most powerful city on the planes, Yao Thalor's military was considered the finest amongst the Eladrin, so this defeat caused all of the rest of the cities to consolidate their power and hide behind their walls. Meanwhile, Rienni took command of the remnants of the Yao Thalor army and marched west, away from the Ogre forces.
She spent the next few years gathering troops and convincing the various western Eladrin communities to follow her. Thrumesh, the Ogre warlord, had let his armies loos to pillage and raid the unprotected areas of the planes, after they had taken the city of O'Ellennor, where he set up his court and named himself King of the Planes. Soon Rienni had the support of most of the western Eladrin along with a sizable troop of Satyrs. She decided it was time to march east and soon won a few skirmishes with Thrumesh's scattered forces. She moved fast, winning victory after victory and not allowing the scattered Ogres to unite. A few of Thrumesh's generals decided to strike south, combining into a large army and intent on conquering Yao Thalor, hoping to draw Rienni to protect her home. Rienni made a hard choice, deciding to ignore the army to her south and struck north east, laying siege to O'Ellennor and Thrumesh himself. A local showed her a secret passage into the walls and she sent some of her men to open the city gates from the inside, which allowed her to quickly take the city and execute Thrumesh.
This victory was the turning point of the war, with the rest of the Eladrin throwing their support behind her, which allowed her to mop up the remaining Ogres. The southern army had successfully taken Yao Thalor, though, and her father had died in the fighting. She took the city back and the Ogres were sent fleeing back into the mountain.
Rienni was named queen of the Eladrin Planes after the war had concluded, she relinquished most of her power, but retains full authority during times of war. War would come again sooner than expected, when the Yuan-Ti invaded a couple thousand years later. Rienni once again marshalled her forces, this time holing up in O'Ellennor herself, which bought the Eladrin enough time for a group of adventurers to receive great powers from Bahamut, allowing them to defeat Sseth, the leader of the Yuan-Ti. Rienni was killed during the final assault of the Yuan-Ti upon O'Ellenor.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Date of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the Yuan-Ti at the Siege of O'Ellennor
Current Residence
Yao Thalor
Long blonde
Aligned Organization

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Aug 13, 2022 12:00 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there! You may not know me, but I am the sponsor of the Great Leader of Their People Summer Camp Prompt this year! Since you wrote this article, I would like to know, would you mind me reading it aloud on my Twitch channel next week? I have a lot to get through so it helps to do it live while people watch. If not, it's okay! Not agreeing to be streamed definitely does not put you at any disadvantage for winning in my eyes. Please respond swiftly by replying here (make sure to click REPLY under my comment or I won't be notified), message me on my World Anvil profile page, Discord, or anywhere else you find me online.   Thanks again! Whatever you choose, God bless and much success! <3