Uruk and Borgal's Resort and Spa Building / Landmark in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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Uruk and Borgal's Resort and Spa

Located up in the Dura Mountains Uruk and Borgal's Resort and Spa has shot up in popularity in recent years. The reason for this is because of the spa's main attraction, their natural Mudpots. These pools of mineral rich mud are warmed from the geothermal activity in the area, and are beloved by residents and tourists alike.

Purpose / Function

Uruk and Borgal's Resort and Spa was built as Uruk and Borgal's dream business, and as a way to show that both Orcs and Dwarves were capable of sharing the land peacefully.


Originally starting as a humble adventure's tavern with relaxing natural mud baths the business had to quickly expand their facilities as more and people learned of the health benefits of their mud baths. They started out with a small inn and only a couple of the mud pools developed for frequent use. Over time they added a few more, larger buildings to house clients, a proper dining hall, and stables. They also developed more of the mud baths and redirected a near-by stream to pass closer to the facilities for easier water access.


Long before the area was developed, the mud pools were beloved and used by a local Orc tribe. They believed that the mud held magical powers, and that by soaking in them wounds could be healed, fertility increased, and strength increased. A war broke out between the tribe and another local tribe who were trying to expand their territory. The local tribe was almost destroyed. The tribe's father and many of the older wives were killed, male adolescent's were cast out of the merged tribe and into the wild with their infant siblings, while the young wives, and female adolescents were forced to join the rival tribe.   As the years passed, new children were born and raised in the merged tribe. One of these children was Uruk. When he was young he was castrated in a freak accident, and because he was no longer able to have children of his own his father allowed him to stay with the tribe long after he would have been traditionally kicked out. Uruk had a good head for business, and after he met Borgal at the mud pools one day the two decided to create a inn with the mud pools as the star attraction. Uruk's father gave his blessing for the area to be turned into an inn so long as the tribe benefited from it. Uruk's mother and aunts however weren't happy about this however, for the pools were still considered sacred. However they were out numbered by their husband, his original wives and their own daughters.


During the beginning years of the spa's existance the spa's most common visitors were weary travelers and adventurers that were passing through the area and needed a place to rest for the night. As news of their mud baths spread more and more upper class clients started showing up. This has caused tensions between the locals, who despise that their culturally significant areas are being abused by outsiders, the travelers/adventurers that miss the laid back, relaxing atmosphere, and the wealthy newcomers who dislike that such a luxurious spa is being marred by the presence of common folk.
Hospitality, Hotel

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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