The Great Quake

My friend,   I have been out in the world awhile now trying to ascertain the facts of what transpired recently, especially as they pertain to matters that most concern us. In truth I now think they may go far beyond our usual worries, for the facts make little sense under any usual reasoning. Nevertheless, I will try to lay out what I have pieced together thus far and leave it in your capable hands to assemble the final puzzle.   Early on the morning of 4th Bodaim, 837 A.E. a massive earthquake shook the whole of Korinthia, and likely beyond. From numerous interviews I now believe it had an origin somewhere East of the kingdom and spread like a wave headed Westward to the sea. It seems to have done so with no lessening of force as it travelled, no quelling of fierceness, as our tales of such things would tell us is normal. Ujen sustained as much damage as Kalimbrum. The old Ursian roads sustained heavy damage, and in several places throughout the land, large crevasses have opened to dark realms below.   Even so, particular buildings were not affected. The great glass Cathedral of Oun in Ujen remains standing without mark. Dalestone's luck can be explained by their overpreparation and wards of protection. But for none of the spires at the great temple of Kalimbra in Kalimbrum to have collapsed is truly stunning. Further, shortly after the quake, the Black Tower rose in the Red Marsh and shortly after one of the old fomorians was released from its ancient prison. This doesn't mention the hightened military tensions, and I've heard mentions of circumstances further afield, but I've been unable to personally corroberate anything.   I fear the quake, fearsome as it was, was but a sign of something much more powerful at work. I've included a variety of my notes for your own perusal. May it serve you in unwinding this thread. I'll be available when you need me.   Your's in trust,   Rifkin


The Great Quake broke across the Korinthian kingdom in early autumn, in the month of Bodaim, in the year 837 A.E. Cities of the realm suffered severe damage, yet temples remained relatively unscathed. Roads were upheaved, and bridges crumbled. The dwarven kingdoms of Dun Komdokka and Dun Derg have been silent since, apparently cut off, while in other places creatures from the far depths have been spotted crawling on the surface.

Natural Disaster

4th Bodaim, 837

Cover image: Korinthia by Hex Sharpe


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