The History of the World of Arrhynsia

The Founding - The Time of Beginnings

Before Time until The Gathering

Shrouded in mystery, lost in the dimmest reaches of the past, legends of the founding recount the establishment of the very structure of the dimensions, the firmament, the world and her bevy of suitors. The founding is ageless, but so many answers to the questions of why and who we are start here, where the vastness of the cosmos is bereft of the insignificant thing we now call time.

  • In the time before time
    The Creation
    Era beginning/end

    The Absolutes Established the Dimensions

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  • -
    The Eldritch Destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Shrub Niggarth and her ilk freely wandered the dimensions destroying all they encountered.

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  • -
    The Voices Arise
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Great Father, Sol, Saynleh, Jiisho, Crwydryn, and Lameravis become.

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  • -
    Sol Gives Light and Life for the People
    Celestial / Cosmic

    No good comes without cost,
    and so the life of the first people was bought with sacrifice

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  • -
    The Voices Establish the Weave
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    for the Eldritch preyed upon the people,
    and the Absolutes would not hear their cries

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  • -
    The Voices Create the World
    Geological / environmental event

    for the peoples to walk upon

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The Rising - The Time of Gods and People

From the Gathering to the Landing

Time and place firmly planted - the Rising is the time of the gathering of the peoples of Arrhynsia to the Voices, the arising of the Ascended, and the struggle between the gods for the sentient peoples they cared for - or not.

  • -9999 BH

    -9000 BH

    The Voices Gather their People
    Era beginning/end

    And the people gathered to them,
    the Dwarves to the All Father,
    the Dragons to Saynleh,
    the Elves to Lameravis,
    the Short to Crwydryn,
    but Jiisho called none, instead accepting those who were without.

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  • -9800 BH

    War of Light and Dark
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In which the Light and Dark became irrevokably separated, and the Voices intervened on behalf of the peoples.   The War of Light and Dark

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  • -9700 BH

    The Dwarven Kingdom Is Established

    Because Dwarves will build

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  • -9500 BH

    The Shattering
    Disaster / Destruction

    The conflict between Saynleh and Jiisho
    shattered the leylines and the world itself in the lands of the elves.

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  • -9200 BH

    The Elven Kingdoms Established

    founds the kingdom of Dryadae in the heart of the Echovad Forest.

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  • -9100 BH

    -9060 BH

    The War of Blood
    Military action

    Orcs without supervision did what Orcs do.

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  • -9040 BH

    Yulasta Ascends
    Religious event

    Blood deep across the Whispering Plains,
    the Orcs turned to the Mother
    who gave them solace.

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  • -8950 BH

    Elysium, The World Tree Is Planted
    Religious event

    Given by Jiisho to the Orcs who had no Voice,
    but had the fierceness to protect the most precious of gifts.

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  • -8200 BH

    Yggsdrasil Planted
    Religious event

    Bemused by the beauty of his sister's gift to the orcs,
    Lameravis stole a branch from Elysium,
    and planted it in the Echovod Forrest.

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  • -8150 BH

    Yulasta Shoulders Jiisho's Burden
    Religious event

    Trained by the Voice Jiisho herself, Yulasta accepts responsibility for maintaining the weave, guarding the material plane and it's neighbors from invasion by eldritch horrors.

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  • -6000 BH

    The Betrayal
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Lameravis himself was made to be no more
    and of the Six, there was only One left

  • -4800 BH

    The Uprising of the Dark
    Military action

    The dark elves breach the gate to their prison under the dwarven capitol of Uftlon and vie for freedom for themselves and their evil Mistress.

The Changing - The Time of Humans

From the Landing to Present

When the humans arrived, the sentient peoples of Arrhynsia had no idea the far sweeping changes that would be wrought upon their world. These are the days where acts of good and evil have been passed from the hands of the gods to mortals.

  • 1 AH

    Humans Arrive in Arrhynsia
    Discovery, Exploration

    The continent will never be the same.

    Human Species
  • 900 AH

    The Cataclysm
    Disaster / Destruction

    Human wizards attempt to terraform their land, and turn it from a verdant paradise into the frozen Northern Wastes, initiating the Fifth Wave.

  • 950 AH

    Humans Establish the Southern Kingdom

    After 50 years of searching and fighting for a new home, humans are pushed to the desert lands south of the Draakthor Massiff to make their future as best they can.

  • 1000 AH

    Land of the Short Arises

    The short unite to form a coalition government to defend their land and homes against incursions by the humans from the Southern Kingdom

  • 1527 AH

    1538 AH

    The Great Spell Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    over 35% of all people living at the time died by a magically enhanced plague

  • 1943 AH

    1967 AH

    The Short Spell Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    The current hostile relationship between the Land of the Short and the Southern Kingdom is due in no small part to the attempt of humans to exploit the suffering of the haflings in the Short Spell Plague and the suspicions of many that humans created it

  • 2025 AH


    The Lost War
    Military action

    A tribal squabble over a little orcish raiding throws the entire universe into peril, and unites a race of warmongering brutes into a genocidal horde with revenge on their mind.

  • 2027 AH

    8 /2

    Death of Yulasta
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event
  • 2027 AH

    15 /2 912:00
    2027 AH

    17 /2 912:00

    Black Fire Massacre
    Military action

    Purgatine of Iraenox

  • 3018 AH

    19 /6 14:00

    The War of the Eternals
    Gathering / Conference

    The War of the Eternals was an effort of the celestials to wipe out the detestable practices of the Dark Mages. It became a pivot in the development of the underlying techology engine of the economy of the continent.