The Oberon touch Military Conflict in Artterra | World Anvil
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The Oberon touch

Starting some time in year 930 the forest spirits of all across Terra rebelled against the destruction and building on top of forested lands - they stood for their homelands and wanted them to be untouched. The humans & other creatures involved in the conflict were represented by the Oberon family - a family of over 20 members, half of which adopted children of mixed species, who had no official military training and no interest in active physical combat. 
It took thirty years just to organize a meeting between all the forest spirits in one place so that they can discuss the problem at hand. During that time there were few and spread with a long passive time in-between actual fights between Forest Spirit armies and Human/Mixed armies - most of those fights were over edges and stretches of forests that would enter a town's borders.

After the meeting during which was decided that a peaceful solution can be reached by introducing Forest Spirits among humans and humans among the Forest Spirits as honorary scouts and researchers whose main goal was to find things humankind can do with their advancing technologies to help the Spirits and what magical and natural things can the Spirits help humankind with. It was specifically the idea of Teamris Oberon, the oldest daughter of the family, to marry a Forest Spirit and introduce half-forest spirit kin to the world along with her decision to start the long roads that shift to stone paths when entering the woods in most cities that do have a major forested area surrounding them, that essentially resolved the conflict.

It took the next 300 years for those changes to be implemented slowly and steadily while separate smaller groups of Spirits and Fae-folk kept on looking for actual fights every once in a while. They stopped looking for them after 1260y. when they had nothing to fight about anymore and half of them took on the opportunity to start living closer to the humans instead.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
To this day the Oberon family is respected among Forest Spirits and Teamris was pronounced Forest Spirit princess. Through time everyone forgot there was actually a conflict.

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