Spaldian Horse Species in Astraesto | World Anvil
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Spaldian Horse

A magnificent creature, unique to Spaldei

"A magnificent creature indeed!"
The Spaldian Horse is a species of horse unique to the planet of Spaldei. It is often regarded as one of the strongest species of horses, and is commonly on rural planets. It is the official planetary animal of Spaldei, and is found on the planet's flag, and that of the major cities of Revian and Andia, not to mention many other smaller organisations and population centres on planet.   The Spaldian Horse was purpose bred for strength and endurance, by farmers under The Colony of Man. Soon after, the population of this new unique horse would skyrocket. Spaldei would be made rich by this new commodity, as the species quickly spread across the entire Colony of Man, to hundreds of rural and farming planets.    Despite their main purpose of strength and endurance, there are nevertheless several horse racing events, almost all situated on Spaldei, that race Spaldian horses against one another. The most famous of these is the annual Revian Horse Run.
  Horses of Spaldian ancestry are almost always either completely grey, or bay. With grey horses being the more common of the two. Chestnut horses are unusually rare in the Spaldian horse, and those few that are born chestnut, are usually considered lucky, or an omen of good fortune.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The average gestation period of the Spaldian horse is near identical of that of most horse species, lasting approximately 340 days, with an average range of 320–370 days. Usually only a single foal is born, with twins being even rarer among Spaldian horses than other species.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
30-35 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
1.5 – 1.9m (Adult, At the withers)
Average Weight
400 - 1,150kg (Adult)
Average Length
2.5m (Adult)
Geographic Distribution


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