Dr. Monsure Tarley IV's Medical Log Document in Astraeus Zephyrus | World Anvil

Dr. Monsure Tarley IV's Medical Log

"The good doctor's notes" as this journal has mostly been called is a complete set of currently still practiced medical procedures, treatments, diagnoses, and medical diagrams Dr. Monsure Tarley IV has written throughout his many, many years of caduceus work.  
I dedicate my life to the service of the medical field. To helping the sick, curing the weak, and caring for the broken. If my life falls it will be for the cause of fighting disease and sickness. This is my job, my work, and nothing shall stop it. This is my decree as a Doctor and my medical word is my bond.
— Decree of Medicinal Research


The journal was to promote and educate young medical researchers in the field of the Spectrum's Creatures as well as research in the traits, abilities, and taxes that Aurals has exhibited during the time they've been on the planet Au'ralay.

Document Structure

Legal status

The legality of the journal is fully accepted in the eyes of other medical staff not apart of the A.U.R.O.R.A Creed. This journal is also known as the "Idiot's Guide to Au'ralayan Medicine" as many of the newer staff in the medical center are often given this book to start their practice, referring back to it as a way to make sure their procedures are correctly.

Historical Details


The journal was made by Dr. Monsure Trarley IV so he could be able to keep everything he's discovered on Aural health and the Spectrum Creature's research.
The journal started a new era in the medical science division of Au'ralay, allowing the planet to research and improve their technology so it would take the Aurora Spectrum and its afflicted into accountability.

Public Reaction

While most of the public didn't know how to take the release of the book, there were some strong reactions during the first three weeks of publication. For the groups against Aurals and the Spectrum research, they decided to take matters into their own hands sparking what became known as the "Medical Assaults." These assaults were mostly upon Aurals and medical staff, especially the hidden Aurals who worked in medicine.
On the other hand, the groups that were for Aurals and the Spectrum research started to promote and buy most of the copies available at libraries, selling and gifting them to strangers on the streets of Au'ralay.

Journal, Medical
Signatories (Organizations)


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