Calypso Atmospheric Refinery Recombinator Building / Landmark in Athena Minerva | World Anvil
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Calypso Atmospheric Refinery Recombinator

The terraforming of the dead planet Aries-2B-86 into a planet suitable for human life is spearheaded by one facility, the Calypso Atmospheric Refinery Recombinator. It was the first and has grown into the largest of many such refineries.   Its site was chosen for having the highest average air flow per year, which gives it an unfair advantage over all other refineries on the planet, in their friendly competition. Since the atmospheric refineries are rewarded for their results by the Constitution of the Hubris Terraform DAO, all individuals can easily see where they stand, how productive they are, and how generous their compensation is.   Coincidentally, the Calypso refinery is very close to the enclosed city of Atalanta Outpost, which makes it the preferred choice for a short commute between work and home.
Atalanta Outpost
Settlement | Jul 14, 2022

The Name

The Calypso refinery is named for the ancient Greek goddess / powerful nymph who controlled an island and overpowered and captured the fabled Greek hero Odysseus by manipulating his physical lust to exceed his loyalty to his distant wife. Eventually Athena, who has more plans for Odysseus, tells Zeus to send Hermes to tell Calypso to keep her hands off another woman's husband and get her own. Calypso agrees in yet another of many examples of Athena's unconquerable strategic wisdom in saying just the right words to win her argument. Calypso provides Odysseus with all the equipment and raw materials to build a new sailing ship, and then she uses her deific power to aim the winds to send Odysseus on his way to his rightful wife.   The idea of controlling the winds applies metaphorically to the refinery in its commission to alter the atmosphere to better accommodate human life.  


The lesser known, and perhaps appropriately named, Humble Refinery is the chief competitor for Calypso of the crown of highest output. It has the most stable air flow of any of the sites on the planet, year in and year out, allowing engineers and operators to make it specialized enough to optimize it to its routine environment.
Refinery / Industrial complex

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