Bard's Gate Settlement in Bardic Verse | World Anvil
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Bard's Gate

No empire matches the economic might as that of the free-city Bard's Gate. A constant fixture through history, it has gained most of its political power in the past century. As a commercial node it connects many different parts of the continent and provides protection along the trade routes.   As a neutral party, the city avoids taking sides in military conflicts and continues to do business with all involved parties. War only ends in the destruction of human capital and Bard's Gate sees the value of maintaining the flow of resources to everybody. Wars, empires, kings, all fade. Economy is forever.   Going against the city's interests is an economic risk but it is also backed by the city hiring mercenary groups. Mostly sourced from the western Duchies, well paid mercenary groups secures Bard's Gate's interests in distant places where their economic control isn't as absolute.   3 years ago the city was under seige by an ancient enemy, an army of immortal crusaders. The government is passing legislation and raising funds to acquire standing armies under its command. Rare metals and minerals are being sourced and guarded as a matter of state security.   Attempts of establishing trade with Dwarven clans is being carried out with great haste. A few potential mining sites have been identified for rare metals mithral and adamantine which will help outfit their new forces in state of art equipment. However, negotiations have been slow going. Most Dwarven clans have pulled back from the human empires and have become quite insular.   Most security and political power within the city is through the Guild system. Officially, only government officials are allowed policing duties, city districts are under almost absolute control of the guild that inhabits the area. Criminal charges can only be brought from the government, so guild justice is more... loose.

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Cover image: Tavern Interior by Dean Spencer


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