Battle of Dawn and Doom Military Conflict in Belthuran | World Anvil

Battle of Dawn and Doom

The Battle of Dawn and Doom is the name of one of the most important vicotries against the Sundorag, during the second age the Orcs were to begin an attack south and as they often do the primary force came through the Doom Pass. A coalition of forces from all The Mortal Empires was present to repel the invasion before it could spread south.  
  • Dwarves of Hammerock formed the center line to hold position as well as bringing arbalists and rune cannons. Joining them were also groups of the Beast Races most prominently minotaurs and gnolls.
  • Falsoree provided healers and archers.
  • Escini gave a group of evocation mages.
  • Ormir gave a large amount of mercenaries.
  • Rhyderia gave a irregular unit of dragon hunters to deal with wyverns and other large beasts the Sundorag often fields.
  • The faith of The Dawn King, The Champion, and The Tempest all pledged units to the cause too. The leadership fell to one Paladin of the Dawn King the leader of the Phoenix Guard at the time a human by the name of Darrith Traegen. While the Dawn King is not known for fighting against the orcs their main temple does reside in Ursand and the faith wishes to help where they can.
  The battle was long and costly the defenders were outnumbered many times over but using the talents of each group well to Darrith and using his own experience in battle provided clear direction even in the midst of battle. The tale is a bitter-sweet victory though as more and more orcs flooded into the pass Darrith turned to his phoenix guard and told them that they must hold the line and that he would call upon the flames of the phoenix. He gave the order for all the remaining forces worn down by attrition to fall back to a secondary defense point and to brace for any that remained. He then began a prayer to the Dawn King as his Phoenix guard held the line, his followers joining in his prayer, the flames of the phoenix is a last act for the most powerful of the Dawn King's followers, it is them laying down their lives to become a conduit for the Dawn King's flames.   The retreating forces only reported it was as if an avalanche of fire fell from the phoenix guard's position and spilled forth down the Doom pass in a wild conflagration that burned away large amounts of the Sundorag and scattered the rest. A pyrrhic victory but one that broke the momentum of the Sundorag before it could get started.
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