~Motorae~ - the Days Between the Years Tradition / Ritual in Castrovel (from Paizo's Pathfinder Setting) | World Anvil
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~Motorae~ - the Days Between the Years (Mo-to-ra-eh)

Motorae is the height of Heaventide, and literally the days after the old year ends, leading up to Newyear. In many Lashunta cities, it becomes a Carnival-like festival lasting anywhere from two to five days.    Its origins date from the first Lashunta solar calendar implemented during the early Age of the Sage-Queens. The calendar years has ten months of eighteen days each, even though Castrovel's solar year has 182 days. The solution devised was to leave the odd two days out of the year's day-count, and simply start the new year in conjunction with the solstice. As adjustments needed to be made to keep the calendar in time with the solar year (since like Earth, some fractional days need to be accounted for), the Motorae conveniently absorbs any additional days needed to keep the calendar balanced. Thus a Long Year has a Motorae of three days, a Leap Year of four days, and rarely a Superleap Years has a Motorae of five days.   Under the spurious claim that time, and therefore laws and civilization, cease to function during these days between the years, any number of comic, festive traditions have grown up in various Lashunta cities. Qabarat elects a He-Queen (~Shas-Motoraeas~), who officially presides over the festivities. Other cities are even less decorous, letting their Korasha fight it out in a brawl-tournament, with the victor being crowned. Most cities hold games, which include archery, parcour-like tree-races, weapon-tourneys, and Outriders jousting aback their Shotalashu. Masked balls are popular, with attendees encouraged to assume a persona at odds with their true selves. All culminates in a great mirthtide held for Newyear's Eve, where as the temple bell's ring Midnight, the He-Queen cedes power back to the High Matron, and order is restored.   In Vaeol's home city of Son, the Korasha organize a formal storming of the Hall of Matrons, where the ruling Damaya are ceremonially ejected - unless they choose to stay, though there is a price to pay. Babies born fifteen months later called ~Utha-Motoraea~ - Motorae Babies.


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