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A Castrovel Adventure: Part 5, Chapter 29

~O'mei Vaeol-Ile o'ezimoni nevole eaemnidya Qabaratya, o'zhoe Lashuntya mi Elaurya.~ (In which Lady Vaeol further examines Qabarat’s art, both Lashunta and Elven.)

From the Daylog of Vaeol-Zheieveil Yaranevae be’Son
17. Evelae, 24,546 - 7th Month in Qabarat   Today my father fulfilled work on the Embassy eaves. Remaue, Kaure, and I watched him build down the last scaffold, quailed while he hung from one arm from the edge, and then cheered when he hauled himself up without falling (is it queer we are more fearful of climbing buildings than trees?). Then with his grandchildren Lanaryel and Aeosel riding his stout shoulders, we introd to tell Her Highness Lady Sheneal the news. Her Highness heard us in her stallroom’s windowdeck, and with Taiase and Istae also awaiting, who all cheered my father’s fulfillship. Her Highness praised the Embassy stands more proudly having homeborn Son crafters mend it.   Then she asked what next will busy my father, he reminded the Blue Fey’s Shrine has forebidden a faircraft work, His eyes glanced to Taiase, who shifted ashamed. Lady Sheneal asked her bother. Our elder friend answered that the shrine’s noblehood wished to offshow her likeness as a queen, whereas frankly she would be elsewise seen. Anon my father asked how she saw herself. ~O’illi soe-yei,~ - “As a priest,” she answered, and repeated her wish to make shriftgeld for her yesterly sins. My father spoke that, if she would read with him, he would both fulfill the faircraft hall’s bid and behold her sight made. Taiase yaysayingly forespoke that he would so make her the happiest Damaya.   As talk ended, Her Highness bade speech with me alone. Lady Sheneal came from her bench, took my babe, and rockingly sang. Then she spoke she had heard I had put Hauronil's word to good behoof, and furthermore my maidenmate’s good news. Yet then she added that the overall thing of ~Rahyathalma~ - Thwartkind - unsettles here in Qabarat. Some folk take offthank not only in such unlucky folk dwelling here, but furthermore in others coming from the outlands. Some matrons have even called for a ban on all such. I answered that folk back home in Son are no friendlier to Thwartkind, which was why Hauronil had come hither and as Kaure’s own trials had witnessed. Then I bluntly asked Her Highness what she meant, and whether she spoke against my maidenmate’s bridetide. Swiftly she naysaid. ~O’iloshi-shili,~ - “Merely beware,” and warned that more wrathfulness stirs in this city than may be eyesome. Then she bade me ward my maidenmate and house, and gave me good leave.     Shenelae Treesong, 24,546 - 8th Month in Qabarat   On today’s run, Kaure and I made the whole way to the shore. We had fun racing down the switchpath, and then to the waves. Then on the beach I got behoof from my longer legs while the Shota snapped at our heels, until I lost breath and knelt in the surf’s edge, mindful of the sea’s endlessness. At last I start to again feel like myself.   Nothing in my mindfulness, however, hindered Kaure from tackling my back like a thewsome wreckbeam and bestowing a sound dunking in seawater. Splashingly we wrestled until my maidenmate hauled me ashore, staked me down, and kissed me. Then we tarried on the sand and let our clothes dry, laughing while our steeds hunted the waves. Then we idly jogged back home.   More wordworthily I remind yesternight, where we got a glimpse of Hauronil’s livelihood. He had welcomed us to a a ~Lathelaura~ - an Elfshow, dolefully a gatherdom of Damaya-Elves like him who, although they may not be blessed by true Elves, have tilled much on their craft. We came to a broad idleyard set right beyond the Elf-Farthing, where we mingled with other watchers and laid a groundshroud on the moss. Among other gleefolk, we heard Hauronil sing, which I worthily tell was so good an elfsong as I have even heard some Elves do: a sorrow-leed of lost home, which made me wonder whether he ever reminds Son and his old kindred.   Among the gathered watchers and singers, our flag outstood, since we were not clothed elvenwise, and I beheld our Korasha - Oshis, Less, Hanos, and even dear Kaure - shifting sorely like ~Rilaealu o'kavyonola-minei~ - Shieldheads through a glassware shop. Once Oshis almost shoved shoulder into a singer's gut, which almost sent the wretch sprawling unless my fathermate swiftly caught him, set him afoot, and begged sorrow. He withdrew toward us, without the fresh bubblemead he had sought, and sheerly fearing to make wreck among so many slim-shouldered folk.   We also met Indith and Leiendil, who happily were not the only true Elves here, and dolefully when they bade us bring our groundshroud near (who also had stead under a roof against rain). We thanked their kindliness, although their liss suffered under under a sixsome of children gamboling. Together we heard while Hauronil sang his next song, whereafter we buzzed in rough Lashunta wise while the Elves made hand-dances.   Then he came hither, first kissed Indith, then Leiendil, and then Kaure, who thrillsomely sat with him, leaned upon his waist, and boldly set his hand on her bosom. So dearly uptight she looked under this new love that Remaue whispered wickedness, which even though not aloud, I caught their thought: ~Dei-illi rahis ealasra o’ashassi oshoasra?~ - “Would you climb his tree and sit upon his bough?” Against couthness, our maidenmate cast a shameless swat at Remaue, who laughingly leaned out of reach while I too giggled.    Indith beseeched to take Aeosel and held his hands while he toddled over the yard, and led her to Kaure. They played with him between, although I beheld they reckoned each other: Kaure meek and Indith whelmed under Elven aloofness. An insight overtook: they both suffered shyness.   I outthought to Hauronil, asking what might behave to ease them. He wared and looked at them both. Then his antennae fluttered. Anon both Kaure and Indith stilled while watching each other. Then Indith sobbed, and tears flowed on my maidenmate’s cheeks. Befuddled, I watched since, unless I knew better, I would have guessed they had reached mindshare. Surely Kaure’s antennae fluttered abeat with Hauronil’s. Yet Indith had no antennae. Nevertheless, her face told she was wonderfully upcaught in Kaure’s same mood.   I rose and knelt near Hauronil. Since by his antennae’s stir, he was heavily enwed in whatever overheld his wifemate and my maidenmate, I did not outthink, but whispered to his ear: ~Dei-ahi Elaura saiahya?~ - “Can Elves share mind?” He headed to me with a mild nod: ~O’neami-vei, o’ahi,~ - “With my help, they can.” Since I am outrider and soulseer, he reckoned it a knack I could easily learn. Hauronil’s brow neared mine, and I could feel his mind outreaching. A breathtide I faltered, reckoning the forehap. Then I yielded and let my antennae throb with his. I had erenever taken mindshare with Hauronil. Kaure’s I knew, so good as Remaue’s, almost so good as Aeosel’s, and almost like my own. His shared a sameness: hints of hurt, sorrow, and even anger, but with a boldness unlike hers.   Then I witted another, whomat my breath stilled. It was unkith and yet so meanly kith in wise I cannot bewrite: like me reckful, and overwhelmed with awe. Indith’s mind owned something I can only name oldness. While I could not read her true years or yearhundreds, it beheld a suchness rather like my father’s, only moreso, and even like my grandmother Efadi ere she died, only in overall selfness I bethought them nothing like. Instead, it was time, of watching the world shift about them, even if Indith is still rather young by Elven standard.    I have heard an Elf lives more than a hundred years from birth to full growth. What does it mean to grow so old ere grown?   Even if her mind owned sorrow, Indith wept under Kaure’s. Also eyesomely, I had earlier been right in that she as an Elf had more business with Damaya when she dealt with Lashunta, and less with Korasha. She now beheld the world’s new and unknown half, all their hurt and shame, and all their bold forbearance. Then she beheld my mind and quailed. I bewared my naked soulmight scared her. I soothed her peace. Then with a kiss to Kaure, I withdrew.   Afterward, Remaue found me, eyesomely bewaring my bother. For lack of words, we reached mindshare to tell the deed. When Hauronil rose for Lastsong, reckfully we watched Indith stay with Kaure, holding hands, which enthrove since we were unsure whether they kept mindshare without Hauronil. Nevertheless, after the idletide broke, we witted the elfwife take kindly leave of our maidenmate, bestowing an elfkiss on her blushing brow, whereafter we blessed their night and went home, leading misdrawn Kaure deeply moodsome.   Talk today overwhelmed mornmeal (after my tongue’s mistaken slip) that Lashunta can reach mindshare with Elves, ingathering more questions of soulmight than I could answer. Even Taiase was forecaught at a knack so mean, although she shrove she had met few Elves while her old lifetime. Under our warriors’ heathen lewdness, thought anon leapt to making love to Elves, which soon drove Kaure shamefully from the room when Less asked whether she would love Indith and Leiendil along with Hauronil. I reckon one man and a bridetide is enough for her mind, let alone their house
Recap: Hauronil accepted Kaure's offer to become First Man for her bridetide.
Lashunta Words & Phrases:
  • O’illi (adv): by will/intent
  • Soe (fem): priest
  • Yei (spir): relative adverb; like; as
  • Rahyathalma (comm): Thwartkind; cross-clade
  • Iloshi (spir): beware
  • Shili (spir): mere; merely
  • Lathelaura (comm): an elfshow; display or production of Elven art
  • Rilaealu (anim): Shieldhead; megafauna tamed for freight
  • Kavyonola (comm): glassware shop
  • Minei (spir): through; among
  • Dei-illi: interrogative adverb; would you
  • Rahis (2nd-trans): you climb
  • Ealasra (masc acc): a male tree; a tree belonging to a man
  • Ashassi: to sit
  • Oshoasra (mac acc): a male bough; a bough belong to a man
  • O’neami-vei: (adv) with my/our help
  • O’ahi (adv): maybe; possible


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