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A Castrovel Adventure: Part 5, Chapter 30

~O'mei Vaeol-Ile hiruzaea-naze illathyaru zi osi-saeoli Kaurei.~ (In which Lady Vaeol is called back to business after the mirth of Kaure’s good news.)

From the Daylog of Vaeol-Zheieveil Yaranevae be’Son
3. Shenelae, 24,546 - 8th Month in Qabarat   Today something idle: we hosted Taiase and my father to the Blue Fey’s Shrine, where he showed us the workroom the noblehood has belet and the marmlestone he has chosen for Taiase’s stonelikeness. With Kaure’s help he shifted it to stead. I could not withhold hand from its cool flanks, while he made the first cuts, feeling the stone’s weft as he had taught me. Through the stone my father and I fell into mindshare, not quite warmind, but almost akin. Anon my hands itched for a chisel. I strode to the workbench, grabbed one, and a hammer. When I swerved back, my father grinned. ~Dei hizelis yiadenya ihaelassya?~ - “Do you remind how to use it?” he asked. I doffed my bodyshroud and clove him at the stone, where together we chiseled the first rough shape.   Arear, I heard sly laughter, and Remaue’s speech that she rather liked my sight akneel in a mere loincloth, and also that we surely have byrnies to shine at the house, and that the housegrooms would not begrudge help cleansing the floors. I unheeded their wicked jokes.   Yet then Taiase tapped my shoulder and outthought to beware. ~Ilema huara,~ - “The ladyhood whispers,” she warned. Then she gave a mindsight of the stairhead overlooking, which leads from the main hall: Lady Loeve and three others standing, looking downward. Ashamedly I set the tools abench, wrapped my bodyshroud, and took Aeosel while my father understandingly nodded.. I felt I was shielding myself behind him and motherhood from the ladies’ eyes. It would forebode ill to give the ladies sake to misdeem as undermeaning myself. Qabarat is already haughty enough, and dolefully to an upper-strath outrider already with bothersome nameworth. Against that forsoothness, and even while I bore Aeosel near to hug his grandfather, I could not help thought that I betrayed him, and that, to shun others bedeeming me less worthy, I must behold my own father lesser.   An ill mood overheld even after we headed homeward, until Remaue asked what worried. I withheld erenow, since I could not find bespeaking words. Yet, although many reckon me bold after my deeds, I deem myself craven, forwhy I fear witness to help my father whom I love, at work reckoned fair and worthy. So rooted, how may I behold myself worthy of his love?   If I may find one worthy whit amid guilt-shrift, it is this: ~yeio losara nilara nezaruayelf, o’nae-olli ulinarif losyao nolif loeodassya~ - since I enwed many shameful things, I should best behave to the shame I deem worthiest.     7. Shenelae, 24,546 - 7th Month in Qabarat   Today we came home from the Battle Yards and forecaughtly found Mistress Indith waiting with Shotheiae and Nimaue. Our byrnies’ sweat after a daytide fighting and drilling must have stung her nose. I also witted her shock beholding us arailed so warlike, swordbills in hand and helms under arm. I reminded Elves, although they have nameworth as doughty warriors, and dolefully bow-shooters, in Qabarat fight not within the fird but instead yield a war-toll. Thus our warriorly mood incoming might seem wholly heathen to peaceful life. We begged leave to bathe and hastened, with Remaue chuckling while she gathered dish-bits as we offcast.   As I wrapped a bodyshroud, shyness overcame Kaure, who asked me to go before while Remaue updid our maidenmate’s hair. So with Aeosel in arm I came back to the mistresses and our guest, where I begged sorrow for Kaure’s lateness. I sat while I fed Aeosel and witted Indith’s stare with new mindfulness. Not unknown to shyness myself, I bewared my hasty bodyshroud and bare teat, much more idlesome than an outrider should look, a day’s stubble on my sidelocks and hair unbraided. Furthermore. I had no time to draw goldgum, leaving my bare scar cutting cheek and brow. I feared unkemptness, until I reminded the elfwife and I had reached mindshare the ereyesternight, and which maybe had startled her more than me. So when the talk trended, I took forehap to speak of my birthmight when bechild with Aeosel and how I had uphovered the whole tent while birthtide, which got merry laughter from Nimaue and Shotheiae, who shared their own birthmight tales.   Indith beseeched she and I might speak sunderly. When we stood, Shotheiae and Nimaue lissomely withdrew. Aeosel outwilled to toddle, and clumsily ran to the elfwife, who playfully let him hold her legs and uplifted him. So we strolled the midyard, heedless of the drizzle. In a reckful yestersight of Lanaryel at samely years, Aeosel’s antennae outreached to her brow, seeking the mindshare he forelooked from all he had ever known. Indith warily let his touch, which bethought she half-waited to link with him, and asked myself whether babes, with their inborn birthmight, might more easily do so with un-Lashunta.   In hopefully couth wise, I thanked her for ereyesternight’s deedtide. Thankfully, and against shyness, she took no offthank, and answered that, unless Hauronil, she had erenever undergone mindshare. She then bewondered that our minds are so selfsome, and that mine is noting like his, nor like Kaure’s, and that the deed had greatened our worthiness. Then the elfmistress added that Kaure is woefully dear. I yaysaid, answering she is lovelier than words. Indith hastily spoke wish that I understand she withholds nothing from the bridetide, neither for Hauronil’s nor Kaure’s sakes. Then, more falteringly, she asked whether I understood she and Leiendil had first brought Hauronil into their threesome for help bearing a child. Yet sinceward, she shrove, her greatest rue had become that she cannot bear his. I answered there are yoretales so betelling, to which she answered back they are mostly mere tales. Then she further shrove she bedreamed Hauronil’s babe born with Kaure. I said we would both behold our mates upraised.   Right then, Remaue and Lanaryel led Kaure, hair like sun-blessed moss, her mighty buxomness arailed in a dapper belted bodyshroud and a stout threadworked halter. She blushingly smiled like a Heaventide dawn, and then dipped an Elvenwise bow she had doubtlessly been drilling. Reckless of such niceness, however, Indith knelt and hugged our maidenmate. I neared to take my son and offstrode to Remaue, whence we withdrew to sundry length, strove to keep Lanaryel from inbreaking, and played with Aeosel. Yet I could not withhold hugging my wifemate while Kaure and our guest sat and held hands. We also bewared Mistresses Shotheiae and Nimaue, against their earlier speech to seek business, lurking at the yard’s edge.   At last Kaure and Indith came and outquoth they had reached a choice. They beseeched the bridetide shall happen at Zielae Treesong, in which yeartide Indith outlaid the blossomyard’s business slows and yields time to foreready. The day’s word swiftly brought our hosts, who then feudsomely bargained with Indith to have the honor of holding the bridetide here or at the blossomyard. At last they yaysaid to hold it here, although the Elves shall bestow sundry bloomsets and blossomworts. We ended the moottide with many hugs, and with Indith’s forespeech that we must come to understand each other better. She also outgave that this month’s end will behold a doleful tide at the blossomyard to cheer Heavetide’s start, and that we must come as guests.     13. Shenelae, 24,546 - 7th Month in Qabarat   Yesternight beheld a mirthtide at the Embassy, whereat Taiase, Istae, Semuane, and I (with Remaue and Kaure thankfully ahost) showed our dandiest, and also my father as Son’s indwelling faircraft-worker. Fittingly, I wared at least a few fellows from the noblehood of the Blue Fey Shrine, welcome under goodwill from the work my father now does for them. We also greeted Her Highness Lady Nisaueth, Ofu-Laubu’s ambassador in Qabarat, a doleful guest whomof Son would seek that city’s goodwill, along with at least a twelvesome Qabarat matrons. Thus while a nameworthy gatherdom, it outstood nowise odd.   As wontsome for such gatherdoms, I happily let Taiase take the showlight. Instead, I sought any knot of soul-seers, outriders, or lorewardens whomwith I might hold inthrifty talk. Yet even such did not free me from oughtfulness, and dolefully when I crossed paths with Her Highness Lady Sheneal, whom I greeted so kindly as canny. She took my babe, kissed him, and cheered his growth, ere handing him back, joking we might need a bigger embassy with Taiase in hall, and then bestowed worship to a faring trademistress.   I offswerved and anon met Lady Imurye, whom I had not seen in many months. This matron greeted me with eager mirth, and loudly enough that none could unheed. Then she bemarked I must love this happendom, having both Son’s and Ofu-Laubu’s ambassadors under the same roof. I merely answered I would bless goodwill among all cities.   Lady Imurye asked whether my goodwill might outreach to Valmaeana. I answered even so. She then asked whether Son sought to heal the breach between that far land and Ofu-Laubu, to which I told I could not speak for Son. Will-lessly I glanced back to Her Highness Lady Sheneal, but who had faded, leaving me alone with this awkward lady. I added that Lady Imurye should mayhap follow Her Highness.   The matron asked whether I was withholding frank answer, to which I said the answer belonged not to me and that, if she further sought the thing, I might bethink she was daring my honor. Then I offheaded and withdrew, swiftly sought Remaue and Kaure, and soon afterward left.   This morn, I early came back to the Embassy and beseeched Her Highness’s hearth. Lady Sheneal met me in her stallroom, where I boldly asked whether she had offset me alone to forbear Lady Imurye’s miswindy words, and that little love overheld in becoming our city’s foe. In answer, Lady Sheneal said she had read Lady Nauve’s logwhits from me coming to Qabarat from Ofu-Laubu, and asked back whether we had forespoken that I should show myself against Son’s outspoken wishes and Lady-Mother. Rather ashamedly, I yaysaid. Her Highness outquoth happiness with the new deed, outlaying that now, rooted in yesternight’s wordtrade, I own an open feud with Lady Imurye, whose uphold of the Formian War and feudsomeness with Ofu-Laubu is well known.   Her Highness furthermore forespoke the Embassy will openly chide my feud with Lady Imurye, which will behold as meaning they gainsay my inread alliance with Ofu-Laubu, and thus setting me as foesome. In trade, however, Her Highness yielded answer to the questions I had asked Lady Nauve ere her death: Lady Sheneal named true the word that the Elves had indeed held truce with the Formians, not often and unwontsome. Although they are not friends or allies, they are not so wrathful in foehood as we Lashunta. Thus Lady Marauqereth’s tale is proven true.   I thanked Her Highness’s outlay and asked what further she needed. She answered nothing for now, else than to go about my business and wait. ~Eiro ashto. O’samae ayaem vuzu-stumura ruthassura,~ - “The filth is spread. Let us see what flies it draws.”   I left Her Highness under no better mood than as I had come, and shrive I would have unheeded my first bargain with Lady Nauve if it had gone forgotten. Instead, I sulkily tarried the daytide with Kaure, Remaue, and our children while I reckoned my stallworth as Lady Sheneal’s Low Shota, and that the path she has foreset may make me her spy. It rankles honor. Were it not for Kaure’s upcoming blessing, my father’s goodwill under the Blue Fey’s Shrine, and Taiase’s princessdom, I could almost flee home to Son and beg Lady-Mother’s forgiveness.   If I must stay here in Qabarat and play these whispery hallcraft games, I must find a purpose worth following. On that thought, I have already boded leafwrit to Krastaes in Son, with hope my old First Axe may help me.
Recap: Lady Vaeol & her flagmates attended an elfsong, where Hauronil performed, and they learned his elfmates can experience psychic mindshare.
Lashunta Words & Phrases:
  • Dei: interrogative adverb
  • Hizelis (2nd-transit): you remember
  • Yiadenya (spir acc): how to do something
  • Ihaelassya (spir acc): wielding; using
  • Ilema (comm): ladyhood; society
  • Huara (3rd-comm): whispers; whisper
  • Yeio: since; because
  • Losara (comm acc): shame; shameful situation
  • Nilara (comm acc): many
  • Nezaruayelf (1st-transit depend): I/we enwed/engage in
  • O’nae-olli (adv): must rightly
  • Ulinarif (1st-transit cond): I/we would behave/act
  • Losyao: the shame that- (lead into a relative clause)
  • Nolif (1st-transit): I/we would judge/deem
  • Loeodassya (spir acc): worthiest (superlative of ~loea~)
  • Eiro (neut): filth; manure; feces
  • Ashto (3rd-neut): is set; is spread
  • O’samae (adv): in grace; let
  • Ayaem (inclus transit cond): we would see
  • Vuzu-stumura (anim acc): any flies/insects
  • Ruthassura (anim acc particip): coming forth; drawing


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