Keel MaCaw Species in Central Haven | World Anvil
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Keel MaCaw

The Keel MaCaw of the continent of Efren are a large working cat. They are a part of the Felis family. They are large cats ranging from 8 to 10 paws in height. Paws six inches tall. The Keel MaCaw come in two types of colocations. First is orange white marbled, which can range form almost all dark orange to very pale orange. The second is grey, white marble, which can range from almost black markings to an almost full white Keel MaCaw. They have either blue or green eyes. The Keel MaCaw has a short haired coat, they have the ability to see in near blackout situations. Their sense of smell is very keen. On their front paws they have retractable claws, while on the hind legs their claws are shorter and do not retract. These Keel MaCaw are very gentle and while they eat meat they are not aggressive at all. They can be a little mischievous and sometimes forget their size. There are only recorded one to two injuries a year that are caused by Keel MaCaw and out of those only one in ten years is deadly.   Keel MaCaw are used in a variety of ways. As transportation either by pairs pulling carts or by saddled back. Farmers use them to till their fields. Building businesses use them to dig, haul heavy loads, and to help get around in difficult terrain. There are some that use them to help track others, either Shifters or Elves that have gone missing, or need to be brought to face the law.   The Keel MaCaw are descended from another large cat species called the MaCaw which are found on both Efren and Lafliuton. On Efren there are only a few small pockets of the wild MaCaw left while Lafliuton has a huge population of them. The MaCaw can be aggressive if threatened or if it is a mother protecting her cubs. Their fur is also longer and comes in many different colors. A Shifter named Keel on Efren domesticated and breed the MaCaw into the Keel MaCaw.
Scientific Name

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