Prompt 18: The Decay Physical / Metaphysical Law in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prompt 18: The Decay

The First Decay occurred so long ago. Unleashed upon the world when the Lady of the Fallen called forth an army of the dead to vanquish those who would challenge her power. It's hard to say if she even knew doing such would devastate the land as her armies marched upon us. That this twist of the rules of life and death would plant the seed of corruption that would linger on to today.   If she knew, then she is even more of a monster than anyone ever thought. -Ace Cardia
    Near the end of the war against the Lazari, the one known as the Lady of the Fallen unleashed her true power. A power that would drain the life of the land and the creatures who feed upon what grows from the land. These creatures would go mad and attack any who was living and did not serve her.   It took everything to hold back the decay from draining all life in the western continent. Though the fellowship marched on to end the decay and the one who unleashed it upon the land. Losing much, but gaining a future when the lady of the fallen and her decay was defeated.


The land begins to lose its splendor as the essence that permeates the land is drained and twisted. Plants lost its green color and turn black and dry up into dust. The ground will eventually become fragile and almost hollow. Black veins of decay will course throught he land sucking up anything it can touch.


The decay can come from the build-up of the dead who linger on this plain of existence. Too many of these spirits in one spot will twist the essence in the area as the spirits feed on the life of the world to maintain some semblance of connection to what was lost. Even at the price of others.
Metaphysical, Divine


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